Key Features
- Provides Docker containers as resources
- Reasonable defaults with flexible configuration
- Excellent for providing Docker implementations of services for integration tests
Add the distage-framework-docker
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-framework-docker" % "1.2.17"
Usage of distage-framework-docker
generally follows these steps:
- Create
s for the containers the application requires - Create a module that declares the container component
- Include the
in the application’s modules
1. Create a ContainerDef
The `ContainerDef`
is a trait used to define a Docker container. Extend this trait and provide an implementation of the config
The required parameters for Config
- the docker image to useports
- ports to map on the docker container
See `Docker.ContainerConfig[Tag]`
for additional parameters.
Example postgres container definition:
import izumi.distage.docker.{ContainerDef, Docker}
object PostgresDocker extends ContainerDef {
val primaryPort: Docker.DockerPort = Docker.DockerPort.TCP(5432)
override def config: Config = {
registry = Some("public.ecr.aws"),
image = "docker/library/postgres:12.6",
ports = Seq(primaryPort),
env = Map("POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> "postgres"),
2. Declare Container Components
To use this container, a module that declares this component is required:
Use `make`
for binding in a ModuleDef
import distage.ModuleDef
import izumi.reflect.TagK
class PostgresDockerModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
object PostgresDockerModule {
def apply[F[_]: TagK] = new PostgresDockerModule[F]
3. Include the DockerSupportModule
Include the izumi.distage.docker.modules.DockerSupportModule
module in the application modules. This module contains required component declarations and initializes the Docker.ClientConfig
import cats.effect.IO
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import distage.Injector
import distage.config.AppConfigModule
import izumi.distage.docker.modules.DockerSupportModule
import izumi.logstage.distage.LogIOModule
import logstage.LogRouter
object DistageFrameworkModules extends ModuleDef {
// required for docker
// standard distage framework modules
include(LogIOModule[IO](LogRouter(), true))
The required framework modules plus PostgresDockerModule
is sufficient to depend on Docker containers:
def minimalExample = {
val applicationModules = new ModuleDef {
Injector[IO]().produceRun(applicationModules) {
(container: PostgresDocker.Container) =>
val port = container.availablePorts.first(PostgresDocker.primaryPort)
IO(println(s"postgres is available on port ${port}"))
// postgres is available on port AvailablePort(,40047)
If the DockerSupportModule
is not included in an application then a get of a Docker container dependent resource will fail with a izumi.distage.model.exceptions.runtime.ProvisioningException
Config API
The `DockerProviderExtensions`
provides additional APIs for modifying the container definition.
Use `modifyConfig`
to modify the configuration of a container. The modifier is instantiated to a Functoid
, which will summon any additional dependencies.
For example, to change the user of the PostgreSQL container:
class PostgresRunAsAdminModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
.modifyConfig {
() => (old: PostgresDocker.Config) =>
old.copy(user = Some("admin"))
Suppose HostPostgresData
is a component provided by the application modules. This path can be added to the PostgreSQL container’s mounts by adding to the additional dependencies of the provider magnet:
final case class HostPostgresData(path: String)
class PostgresWithMountsDockerModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
PostgresDocker.make[F].modifyConfig {
(hostPostgresData: HostPostgresData) =>
(old: PostgresDocker.Config) =>
val dataMount = Docker.Mount(hostPostgresData.path, "/var/lib/postgresql/data")
old.copy(mounts = old.mounts :+ dataMount)
adds a dependency on a given Docker container. distage
ensures the requested container is available before the dependent.
For example, suppose a system under test requires both PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch. One option is to use dependOnContainer
to declare the Elasticsearch container depends on the PostgreSQL container:
object ElasticSearchDocker extends ContainerDef {
val ports = Seq(9200, 9300)
override def config: Config = {
image = "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.7.0",
ports = ports.map(Docker.DockerPort.TCP(_)),
env = Map("discovery.type" -> "single-node")
class ElasticSearchPlusPostgresModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
make[ElasticSearchDocker.Container].fromResource {
Another example of dependencies between containers is in the “Docker Container Networks” section later in this document.
Availability and Health Checks
The healthCheck
properties of Docker.ContainerConfig
configure the health checks. A container resource will not be provided if the health checks did not succeed at acquire time. These are used to determine if an existing container can be used and if starting a fresh container succeeded.
By default, the healthCheck
is a port check of the ports from the container config. There are several standard checks provided in ContainerHealthCheck
that can be combined to cover many common cases.
The availablePorts
property of the container resource are the mapped ports that passed the health check. This is a map from a Docker.DockerPort
provided in the config to a host and port. For example:
val port = container.availablePorts.first(PostgresDocker.primaryPort)
would be a host and port mapped to the Postgres container’s primary port that have passed the health check.
Usage in Integration Tests
A common use case is using Docker containers to provide service implementations for integration test, such as using a PostgreSQL container for verifying an application that uses a PostgreSQL database.
Consider the example application below. This application is written to depend on a doobie Transactor
, which is constructed from a PostgresServerConfig
import cats.effect.Async
import doobie.Transactor
import doobie.syntax.connectionio._
import doobie.syntax.string._
final class PostgresExampleApp(
xa: Transactor[IO]
) {
def plusOne(a: Int): IO[Int] = {
sql"select ${a} + 1".query[Int].unique.transact(xa)
val run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
v <- plusOne(1)
_ <- IO(println(s"1 + 1 = ${v}."))
} yield ()
// the postgres configuration used to construct the Transactor
final case class PostgresServerConfig(
host: String,
port: Int,
database: String,
username: String,
password: String,
object TransactorFromConfigModule extends ModuleDef {
make[Transactor[IO]].from {
(config: PostgresServerConfig, async: Async[IO]) =>
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver",
url = s"jdbc:postgresql://${config.host}:${config.port}/${config.database}",
user = config.username,
pass = config.password,
Note that the above code is agnostic of environment. Provided a PostgresServerConfig
, the Transactor
needed by PostgresExampleApp
can be constructed.
An integration test would use a module that provides the PostgresServerConfig
from a PostgresDocker.Container
object PostgresUsingDockerModule extends ModuleDef {
make[PostgresServerConfig].from {
(container: PostgresDocker.Container) => {
val knownAddress = container.availablePorts.first(PostgresDocker.primaryPort)
host = knownAddress.hostString,
port = knownAddress.port,
database = "postgres",
username = "postgres",
password = "postgres",
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
Using distage-testkit
the test would be written like this:
import izumi.distage.testkit.scalatest.{AssertCIO, Spec1}
import distage.DIKey
class PostgresExampleAppIntegrationTest extends Spec1[IO] with AssertCIO {
override def config = super.config.copy(
moduleOverrides = new ModuleDef {
memoizationRoots = Set(
"distage docker" should {
"support integration tests using containers" in {
(app: PostgresExampleApp) =>
for {
v <- app.plusOne(1)
_ <- assertIO(v == 2)
} yield ()
Typically, this would be run by the test runner. For completeness, the example can be run directly using:
def postgresDockerIntegrationExample = {
val applicationModules = new ModuleDef {
Injector[IO]().produceRun(applicationModules) {
(app: PostgresExampleApp) =>
// 1 + 1 = 2.
Docker Container Environment
The container config (Docker.ContainerConfig
) defines the container environment. Of note are the environment variables, command of entrypoint, and working directory properties:
env: Map[String, String]
- environment variables to setup in containercmd: Seq[String]
- command of entrypointcwd: Option[String]
- working directory in container
Once defined in a ContainerDef
the config may be modified by distage modules. See modifyConfig
above for one mechanism.
The container ports will also add to the configured environment variables:
are the host ports allocated for the container
Docker Metadata
The host ports allocated for the container are also added to the container metadata as labels. These labels follow the pattern distage.port.<protocol>.<originalPort>
. The value is the integer port number.
Docker Container Networks
can automatically manage Docker networks.
To connect containers to the same Docker network, use a `ContainerNetworkDef`
- Create a
. - Add the network to each container’s config.
This will ensure the containers are all connected to the network. Assuming no reuse, distage will create the required network and add each container to that network.
1. Create a ContainerNetworkDef
A minimal `ContainerNetworkDef`
uses the default configuration.
object TestClusterNetwork extends ContainerNetworkDef {
override def config: Config = Config()
By default this object identifies the network. The associated tag type uniquely identifies this network within the application. In addition, any created network will have a label with this name in Docker.
2. Add to Container Config
A container will be connected to all networks in the networks
of the config
. The method `connectToNetwork`
adds a dependency on a network defined by a ContainerNetworkDef
, as in this example:
class TestClusterNetworkModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
make[TestClusterNetwork.Network].fromResource {
make[PostgresDocker.Container].fromResource {
make[ElasticSearchDocker.Container].fromResource {
The use of connectToNetwork
automatically adds a dependency on TestClusterNetwork.Network
to each container.
Container Network Reuse
Container networks, like containers, are reused by default. If there is an existing network that matches a definition then that network will be used. This can be disabled by setting the reuse
configuration to DockerReusePolicy.KillOnExitNoReuse
object AlwaysFreshNetwork extends ContainerNetworkDef {
override def config: Config = Config(reuse = Docker.DockerReusePolicy.KillOnExitNoReuse)
For an existing network to be reused, the config and object name at time of creation must be the match the current configuration value and object.
Docker Client Configuration
The `Docker.ClientConfig`
is the configuration of the Docker client used. Including the module DockerSupportModule
will provide a Docker.ClientConfig
There are two primary mechanisms to change the Docker.ClientConfig
provided by DockerSupportModule
- Provide a
configuration in theapplication.conf
# include the default configuration
include "docker-reference.conf"
# override docker object fields
docker {
globalReuse = "always-kill"
- Override the
import izumi.distage.docker.Docker
import izumi.distage.docker.Docker.DockerReusePolicy
class CustomDockerConfigExampleModule[F[_]: TagK] extends ModuleDef {
include(DockerSupportModule[F] overriddenBy new ModuleDef {
make[Docker.ClientConfig].from {
globalReuse = DockerReusePolicy.ReuseEnabled,
useRemote = true,
useGlobalRegistry = true,
remote = Some(
host = "tcp://localhost:2376",
tlsVerify = true,
certPath = "/home/user/.docker/certs",
config = "/home/user/.docker",
globalRegistry = Some("index.docker.io"), // docker hub default registry
registryConfigs = List(
registry = "index.docker.io",
username = "docker_user",
password = "i_love_docker",
email = Some("dockeruser@github.com"),
registry = "your.registry",
username = "my_registry_user",
password = "i_love_my_registry",
Container Reuse
By default acquiring a container resource does not always start a fresh container. Likewise on releasing the resource the container will not be destroyed. When a container resource is acquired, the Docker system is inspected to determine if a matching container is already executing. If a matching container is found this container is referenced by the ContainerResource
. Otherwise a fresh container is started. In both cases the acquired ContainerResource
will have passed configured health checks.
Matching Containers for Reuse
For an existing container to be reused, all the following must be true:
- The current client config has
globalReuse == DockerReusePolicy.ReuseEnabled
- The container config has
reuse == DockerReusePolicy.ReuseEnabled
- The running container was created for reuse.
- The running container uses the same image as the container config.
- All ports requested in the container config must be mapped for the running container.
Configuring Reuse
has 2 possible values:
: the resource (container or network) will be always freed after use and existing matching containers will not be reusedReuseDisabled
: the resource will be always be freed after use but existing matching containers will be reused
The ContainerDef.Config.reuse
should be DockerReusePolicy.ReuseDisabled
to disable reuse for a specific container. While Docker.ClientConfig.globalReuse
should be DockerReusePolicy.ReuseDisabled
to disable reuse throughout the application.
Improving Reuse Performance
When utilizing reuse, the performance cost of inspecting the Docker system can be avoided using memoization roots. For example, in this integration test the container resource is not reconstructed for each test. Because the resource is not reconstructed there is no repeated inspection of the Docker system.
class NoReuseByMemoizationExampleTest extends Spec1[IO] {
override def config = super.config.copy(
moduleOverrides = new ModuleDef {
memoizationRoots = Set(
"distage docker" should {
"provide a fresh container resource" in { (c: PostgresDocker.Container) =>
val port = c.availablePorts.first(PostgresDocker.primaryPort)
IO(println(s"port ${port}"))
"provide the same resource" in { (c: PostgresDocker.Container) =>
val port = c.availablePorts.first(PostgresDocker.primaryPort)
IO(println(s"port ${port}"))
The distage-example
project uses distage-framework-docker
to provide a PostgresDockerModule.
The distage-framework-docker
project contains example ContainerDef
s and modules for various services under izumi.distage.docker.examples
To kill all containers spawned by distage
, use the following command:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -q -a -f 'label=distage.type')
// izumi.distage.model.exceptions.runtime.ProvisioningException: Provisioner stopped after 1 instances, 2/14 operations failed:
// - {type.izumi.distage.docker.DockerClientWrapper[=λ %0 → IO[+0]]} (distage-framework-docker.md:40), MissingInstanceException: Instance is not available in the object graph: {type.izumi.distage.docker.DockerClientWrapper[=λ %0 → IO[+0]]}.
This error means that `DockerSupportModule`
hasn’t been include
d with the application modules.
component is provided by `izumi.distage.docker.modules.DockerSupportModule`
- Introduced in release 0.9.13
- An example PR showing how to use them.
- The