Code generator reference

We support the following concepts:

  1. Enumerations
  2. Algebraic Data Types
  3. Type aliases
  4. Mixins
  5. Data Classes
  6. Identifiers
  7. Services


  1. We support two forms of inheritance: interface inheritance (& modifier) and structural mixins (* modifier)
  2. The only difference between structural inheritance and interface inheritance is presence/absence of the base interface in the list of supertypes
  3. Both Data Classes and Mixins support both forms of inheritance
  4. Services, ADTs, Type Aliases, Identifiers and Enumerations does not support inheritance
  5. We provide widening narrowing implicit functions as well as copy constructors for all the generated entities


mixin IntPair {
  x: i32
  y: i32

mixin Metadata {
  id: str
  name: str

mixin PointLike {
  + Metadata
  * IntPair

data Point {
  + Metadata
  * IntPair

Scala output

trait IntPair {
  def y: Int
  def x: Int

trait Metadata {
  def name: String
  def id: String

final case class Point(y: Int, name: String, x: Int, id: String) extends Metadata

trait PointLike extends Metadata {
  def y: Int
  def x: Int
  def name: String
  def id: String



  1. All the examples of generated code are given in minimal form
  2. Generated code for codecs, implicit conversions and type info is omitted

mixin: Mixin

 mixin Person {
   name: str
   surname: str

Scala output

trait Person {
  def name: String
  def surname: String

data: Data Class

Differences between Mixins and Data Classes:

  1. Data classes cannot be subclassed
  2. Data classes are always rendered as case classes, Mixins are always rendered as pair of Interface and Implementation
 data HumanUser {
   + IdentifiedUser
   * Person

Scala output

final case class HumanUser(name: String, surname: String, id: UserId) extends IdentifiedUser with Person

adt: Algebraic Data Type

 mixin Success {
   values: map[str, str]

 mixin Failure {
   message: str

 adt Result {

Scala output

trait Failure extends Any { def message: String }

trait Success extends Any { def values: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String] }

sealed trait Result

object Result {
  type Element = Result

  case class Success(value: Success) extends Result
  case class Failure(value: Failure) extends Result

alias: Type Alias

alias UserId = str

Scala output

package object domain01 {
type UserId = String

enum: Enumeration

enum Gender {

Scala output

sealed trait Gender

object Gender {
  type Element = Gender
  def all: Seq[Gender] = Seq(MALE, FEMALE)
  def parse(value: String) = value match {
    case "MALE" => MALE
    case "FEMALE" => FEMALE
  case object MALE extends Gender { override def toString: String = "MALE" }
  case object FEMALE extends Gender { override def toString: String = "FEMALE" }

id: Identifier


  1. You can use only scalar builtin types for identifier fields
  2. We provide both parser and sane .toString implementation
  3. .toString uses the following format: Name#urlencoded(part1):urlencoded(part2):...
  4. Fields are sorted by name before using in parser and .toString
id UserId {
  value: uid
  company: uid

Scala output

final case class UserId(value: java.util.UUID, company: java.util.UUID) {
  override def toString: String = {
    import izumi.idealingua.runtime.model.IDLIdentifier._
    val suffix = Seq(, this.value).map(part => escape(part.toString)).mkString(":")

object UserId {
  def parse(s: String): UserId = {
    import izumi.idealingua.runtime.model.IDLIdentifier._
    val withoutPrefix = s.substring(s.indexOf("#") + 1)
    val parts = withoutPrefix.split(":").map(part => unescape(part))
    UserId(parsePart[java.util.UUID](parts(0), classOf[java.util.UUID]), parsePart[java.util.UUID](parts(1), classOf[java.util.UUID]))

service: Service

id RecordId {
  value: uid

mixin WithRecordId {
  id: RecordId

mixin WithResult {
  result: shared.rpc#Result

mixin UserData {
  email: str

mixin PrivateUserData {
  balance: f64

service UserService {
  def deleteUser(WithRecordId): (WithResult)
  def createUser(UserData, PrivateUserData): (WithRecordId, WithResult)


  1. Service signature cannot accept anything except of Mixins (improvements planned)
  2. ServerDispatcher allows you to route wrapped result type to an appropriate method of an abstract implementation
  3. ClientDispatcher just passes input to an abstract receiver
  4. ClientWrapper allows you to transform unwrapped method signatures into wrapping instances
  5. ServerWrapped provides you an unwrapping service implementation
  6. ServiceUnwrapped provides you a way to implement services with signatures unwrapped

Scala output

import _root_.izumi.idealingua.model._
import _root_.izumi.idealingua.runtime._

class UserServiceServerDispatcher[R[+_], S <: UserService[R]](val service: S) extends transport.AbstractServerDispatcher[R, S] {
  import UserService._
  override def dispatch(input: UserService.InUserService): R[UserService.OutUserService] = input match {
    case value: UserService.InDeleteUser =>
    case value: UserService.InCreateUser =>

class UserServiceClientDispatcher[R[+_], S <: UserService[R]](dispatcher: transport.AbstractClientDispatcher[R, S]) extends UserService[R] {
  import UserService._
  def deleteUser(input: UserService.InDeleteUser): Result[UserService.OutDeleteUser] = dispatcher.dispatch(input, classOf[UserService.OutDeleteUser])
  def createUser(input: UserService.InCreateUser): Result[UserService.OutCreateUser] = dispatcher.dispatch(input, classOf[UserService.OutCreateUser])

class UserServiceClientWrapper[R[+_], S <: UserService[R]](val service: S) extends model.IDLClientWrapper[R, S] {
  import UserService._
  def deleteUser(id: RecordId): Result[UserService.OutDeleteUser] = {
    service.deleteUser(UserService.InDeleteUser(id = id))
  def createUser(balance: Double, email: String): Result[UserService.OutCreateUser] = {
    service.createUser(UserService.InCreateUser(balance = balance, email = email))

trait UserServiceUnwrapped[R[+_], S <: UserService[R]] extends model.IDLServiceExploded[R, S] {
  import UserService._
  def deleteUser(id: RecordId): Result[UserService.OutDeleteUser]
  def createUser(balance: Double, email: String): Result[UserService.OutCreateUser]

class UserServiceServerWrapper[R[+_], S <: UserService[R]](val service: UserServiceUnwrapped[R, S]) extends UserService[R] {
  import UserService._
  def deleteUser(input: UserService.InDeleteUser): Result[UserService.OutDeleteUser] = service.deleteUser(id =
  def createUser(input: UserService.InCreateUser): Result[UserService.OutCreateUser] = service.createUser(balance = input.balance, email =

trait UserService[R[_]] extends izumi.idealingua.runtime.model.IDLService[R] {
  import UserService._
  override type InputType = UserService.InUserService
  override type OutputType = UserService.OutUserService

  override def inputClass: Class[UserService.InUserService] = classOf[UserService.InUserService]
  override def outputClass: Class[UserService.OutUserService] = classOf[UserService.OutUserService]

  def deleteUser(input: UserService.InDeleteUser): Result[UserService.OutDeleteUser]
  def createUser(input: UserService.InCreateUser): Result[UserService.OutCreateUser]

object UserService {
  sealed trait InUserService extends Any
  sealed trait OutUserService extends Any

  case class InDeleteUser(id: RecordId) extends UserService.InUserService with WithRecordId
  case class OutDeleteUser(result: shared.rpc.Result) extends AnyVal with UserService.OutUserService with WithResult
  case class InCreateUser(balance: Double, email: String) extends UserService.InUserService with UserData with PrivateUserData
  case class OutCreateUser(result: shared.rpc.Result, id: RecordId) extends UserService.OutUserService with WithRecordId with WithResult