JSON Wire Format

IdeaLingua employs a simple JSON-based wire format. To interoperate, all the language translators should implement this spec.

data: Data Class

data defined as:

package example

data User {
  name: str
  surname: str
  id: uuid

Should be rendered as:

  "name": "Lorem",
  "surname": "Ipsum",
  "id": "13bee602-521b-47c2-ad81-30527f8b2398"

mixin: Mixin

When sent over the wire, mixins include a fully qualified name of their implementation.

mixins defined as:

package example

mixin IntPair {
  x: i32
  y: i32

data NamedIntPair {
  & IntPair
  name: str

Should be rendered as:

  "example.IntPair#Struct": {
    "x": 256,
    "y": 512

for the default implementation, and:

  "example#NamedIntPair": {
    "x": 256,
    "y": 512,
    "name": "Vertex"

for the NamedIntPair implementation.

adt: Algebraic Data Type

adt’s include an unqualified name of their variant.

adt defined as:

package example

adt AB = A | Z as B

data A {
  value: i32

data Z {
  value: str

Should be rendered as:

  "A": {
    "value": 1

for the A variant, and:

  "B": {
    "value": "abc"

for the Z as B variant

id: Identifier

Ids are rendered as strings prefixed by type name and separated by : symbol. Field order is preserved.

id defined as:

package example

id UserId {
  userId: uuid
  companyName: str

Should be rendered as:


alias: Type Alias

Type Aliases should be rendered directly as their aliased types and should never impact serialization.

enum: Enumeration

Enums are rendered as strings.

enum defined as:

package example

enum Gender = MALE | FEMALE

Should be rendered as:



Service outputs are always wrapped into a JSON object with one field "value".

For service defined as:

package example

service SayHello {
  def sayHello(): str

sayHello method will return a result rendered as:

{ "value": "hello" }