
Quick Start


Add the distage-core library:

libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-core" % "1.2.17-SNAPSHOT"

If you’re using Scala 3 you must enable -Yretain-trees for this library to work correctly:

// REQUIRED option for Scala 3
scalacOptions += "-Yretain-trees"

If you’re using Scala 2.12 you must enable -Ypartial-unification and either -Xsource:2.13 or -Xsource:3 for this library to work correctly:

// REQUIRED options for Scala 2.12
scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification"
scalacOptions += "-Xsource:3" // or "-Xsource:2.13" if absolutely necessary

Additionally, some source examples in this document use underscore syntax for type lambdas which you can enable with the following options:

// For Scala 2
scalacOptions += "-P:kind-projector:underscore-placeholders"
scalacOptions += "-Xsource:3"

addCompilerPlugin("org.typelevel" % "kind-projector" % "0.13.3" cross CrossVersion.full)

// For Scala 3
scalacOptions += "-Ykind-projector:underscores"

Hello World example

Suppose we have an abstract Greeter component, and some other components that depend on it:

import zio.Task
import zio.Console.{printLine, readLine}

trait Greeter {
  def hello(name: String): Task[Unit]

final class PrintGreeter extends Greeter {
  override def hello(name: String) =
    printLine(s"Hello $name!")

trait Byer {
  def bye(name: String): Task[Unit]

final class PrintByer extends Byer {
  override def bye(name: String) =
    printLine(s"Bye $name!")

final class HelloByeApp(
  greeter: Greeter,
  byer: Byer,
) {
  def run: Task[Unit] = {
    for {
      _    <- printLine("What's your name?")
      name <- readLine
      _    <- greeter.hello(name)
      _    <- byer.bye(name)
    } yield ()

To actually run the HelloByeApp, we have to wire implementations of Greeter and Byer into it. We will not do it directly. First we’ll only declare the component interfaces we have, and the implementations we want for them:

import distage.ModuleDef

def HelloByeModule = new ModuleDef {
  make[HelloByeApp] // `.from` is not required for concrete classes

ModuleDef merely contains a description of the desired object graph, let’s transform that high-level description into an actionable series of steps - a Plan, a datatype we can inspect, test or verify at compile-time – without having to actually create objects or execute effects.

import distage.{Activation, Injector, Roots}

val injector = Injector[Task]()
// injector: Injector[Task] = izumi.distage.InjectorDefaultImpl@3e39cab4

val plan = injector.plan(HelloByeModule, Roots.target[HelloByeApp], Activation.empty).getOrThrow()
// plan: izumi.distage.model.plan.Plan = 1: {type.MdocSession::MdocApp1::Greeter} BindingOrigin((basics.md:84)) := call(π:Constructor(): MdocSession::MdocApp1::PrintGreeter) {}
// 2: {type.MdocSession::MdocApp1::Byer} BindingOrigin((basics.md:85)) := call(π:Constructor(): MdocSession::MdocApp1::PrintByer) {}
// 3: {type.MdocSession::MdocApp1::HelloByeApp} BindingOrigin((basics.md:86)) :=
// 4:     call(π:Constructor(MdocSession::MdocApp1::Greeter, MdocSession::MdocApp1::Byer): MdocSession::MdocApp1::HelloByeApp) {
// 5:       arg greeter: MdocSession::MdocApp1::Greeter <- {type.MdocSession::MdocApp1::Greeter}
// 6:       arg byer: MdocSession::MdocApp1::Byer <- {type.MdocSession::MdocApp1::Byer}
// 7:     }

The series of steps must be executed to produce the object graph.

Injector.produce will interpret the steps into a Lifecycle value holding the lifecycle of the object graph:

import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2

// Interpret into a Lifecycle value

val resource = injector.produce(plan)
// resource: izumi.distage.model.definition.package.Lifecycle[Task, izumi.distage.model.Locator] = izumi.functional.lifecycle.LifecycleMethodImpls$$anon$2@400eec80

// Use the object graph:
// After `.use` exits, all objects will be deallocated,
// and all allocated resources will be freed.

val effect = resource.use {
  objects =>
// effect: Task[Unit] = DynamicNoBox(izumi.functional.quasi.QuasiPrimitivesFromBIO.bracket(QuasiIO.scala:339),1,zio.ZIO$Release$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b2c5c60@66a9865d)

// Run the resulting program

val runner = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runner: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@5bad7bd6

// What's your name?
// > izumi
// Hello izumi!
// Bye izumi!

Singleton components

distage creates components at most once, even if multiple other objects depend on them.

A given component X will be the same X everywhere in the object graph, i.e. a singleton.

It’s impossible to create non-singletons in distage.

Named components

If you need multiple singleton instances of the same type, you may create “named” instances and disambiguate between them using `@distage.Id` annotation. (javax.inject.Named is also supported)

import distage.Id

def negateByer(otherByer: Byer): Byer = {
  new Byer {
    def bye(name: String) =

new ModuleDef {
  make[Byer].named("byer-2").from {
    (otherByer: Byer @Id("byer-1")) =>

You can use make[_].annotateParameter method instead of an annotation, to attach a name component to an existing constructor:

new ModuleDef {
  // same binding as above

You can also abstract over annotations using type aliases and/or string constants (final val):

object Ids {
  final val byer1Id = "byer-1"
  type Byer1 = Byer @Id(byer1Id)

Non-singleton components

You cannot embed non-singletons into the object graph, but you may create them as normal using factories. distage’s Auto-Factories can generate implementations for your factories, removing the associated boilerplate.

While Auto-Factories may remove the boilerplate of generating factories for singular components, if you need to create a new non-trivial subgraph dynamically, you’ll need to run Injector again. Subcontexts feature automates running nested Injectors and makes it easier to define nested object graphs. You may also manually use Injector.inherit to reuse components from the outer object graph in your new nested object graph, see Injector Inheritance.

Real-world example

Check out distage-example sample project for a complete example built using distage, bifunctor tagless final, http4s, doobie and zio libraries.

It shows how to write an idiomatic distage-style from scratch and how to:

Activation Axis

You can choose between different implementations of a component using “Activation axis”:

import distage.{Axis, Activation, ModuleDef, Injector}
import zio.Console

class AllCapsGreeter extends Greeter {
  def hello(name: String) =
    Console.printLine(s"HELLO ${name.toUpperCase}")

// declare a configuration axis for our components

object Style extends Axis {
  case object AllCaps extends AxisChoiceDef
  case object Normal extends AxisChoiceDef

// Declare a module with several implementations of Greeter
// but in different environments

def TwoImplsModule = new ModuleDef {


// Combine previous `HelloByeModule` with our new module
// While overriding `make[Greeter]` bindings from the first module

def CombinedModule = HelloByeModule overriddenBy TwoImplsModule

// Choose component configuration when making an Injector:

runner.unsafeRun {
    .produceGet[HelloByeApp](CombinedModule, Activation(Style -> Style.AllCaps))
// What's your name?
// > kai
// Bye kai!

// Check that result changes with a different configuration:

runner.unsafeRun {
    .produceGet[HelloByeApp](CombinedModule, Activation(Style -> Style.Normal))
// What's your name?
// > Pavel
// Hello Pavel!
// Bye Pavel!

distage.StandardAxis contains bundled Axes for back-end development:

  • Repo axis, with Prod/Dummy choices, describes any entities which may store and persist state or “repositories”. e.g. databases, message queues, KV storages, file systems, etc. Those may typically have both in-memory Dummy implementations and heavyweight Prod implementations using external databases.

  • Mode axis, with Prod/Test choices, describes a generic choice between production and test implementations of a component.

  • World axis, with Real/Mock choices, describes third-party integrations which are not controlled by the application and provided “as is”. e.g. Facebook API, Google API, etc. those may contact a Real external integration or a Mock one with predefined responses.

  • Scene axis with Managed/Provided choices, describes whether external services required by the application should be set-up on the fly by an orchestrator library such as distage-framework-docker (Scene.Managed), or whether the application should try to connect to external services as if they already exist in the environment (Scene.Provided). We call a set of external services required by the application a Scene, etymology being that the running external services required by the application are like a “scene” that the “staff” (the orchestrator) must prepare for the “actor” (the application) to enter.

In distage-framework’s RoleAppMain, you can choose axes using the -u command-line parameter:

./launcher -u repo:dummy -u env:prod app1

In distage-testkit, choose axes using TestConfig:

import distage.StandardAxis.Repo
import izumi.distage.testkit.TestConfig
import izumi.distage.testkit.scalatest.Spec2

class AxisTest extends Spec2[zio.IO] {

  // choose implementations `.tagged` as `Repo.Dummy` over those tagged `Repo.Prod`
  override def config: TestConfig = super.config.copy(
    activation = Activation(Repo -> Repo.Dummy)



There may be many configuration axes in an application and components can specify multiple axis choices at once:

import distage.StandardAxis.Mode
import zio.Console

class TestPrintGreeter extends Greeter {
  def hello(name: String) =
    Console.printLine(s"Test 1 2, hello $name")

// declare 3 possible implementations

def TestModule = new ModuleDef {
  make[Greeter].tagged(Style.Normal, Mode.Prod).from[PrintGreeter]
  make[Greeter].tagged(Style.Normal, Mode.Test).from[TestPrintGreeter]

def runWith(activation: Activation) = {
  runner.unsafeRun {
    Injector().produceRun(TestModule, activation) {
      (greeter: Greeter) => greeter.hello("$USERNAME")

// Production Normal Greeter

runWith(Activation(Style -> Style.Normal, Mode -> Mode.Prod))
// Hello $USERNAME!

// Test Normal Greeter

runWith(Activation(Style -> Style.Normal, Mode -> Mode.Test))
// Test 1 2, hello $USERNAME

// Both Production and Test Caps Greeters are the same:

runWith(Activation(Style -> Style.AllCaps, Mode -> Mode.Prod))

runWith(Activation(Style -> Style.AllCaps, Mode -> Mode.Test))

Specificity and defaults

When multiple dimensions are attached to a binding, bindings with less specified dimensions will be considered less specific and will be overridden by bindings with more dimensions, if all of those dimensions are explicitly set.

A binding with no attached dimensions is considered a “default” vs. a binding with attached dimensions. A default will be chosen only if all other bindings are explicitly contradicted by passed activations. If the dimensions for other bindings are merely unset, it will cause an ambiguity error.

Example of these rules:

import scala.util.Try

sealed trait Color
case object RED extends Color
case object Blue extends Color
case object Green extends Color

// Defaults:

def DefaultsModule = new ModuleDef {

Injector().produceRun(DefaultsModule, Activation(Style -> Style.AllCaps))(println(_: Color))
// RED
// res11: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

Injector().produceRun(DefaultsModule, Activation(Style -> Style.Normal))(println(_: Color))
// Green
// res12: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

// ERROR Ambiguous without Style
Try { Injector().produceRun(DefaultsModule, Activation.empty)(println(_: Color)) }.isFailure
// res13: Boolean = true

// Specificity

def SpecificityModule = new ModuleDef {
  make[Color].tagged(Mode.Prod, Style.AllCaps).from(RED)

Injector().produceRun(SpecificityModule, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Prod, Style -> Style.AllCaps))(println(_: Color))
// RED
// res14: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

Injector().produceRun(SpecificityModule, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Test, Style -> Style.AllCaps))(println(_: Color))
// Blue
// res15: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

Injector().produceRun(SpecificityModule, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Prod, Style -> Style.Normal))(println(_: Color))
// Green
// res16: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

Injector().produceRun(SpecificityModule, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Test))(println(_: Color))
// Blue
// res17: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()

// ERROR Ambiguous without Mode
Try { Injector().produceRun(SpecificityModule, Activation(Style -> Style.Normal))(println(_: Color)) }.isFailure
// res18: Boolean = true

Resource Bindings, Lifecycle

You can specify object lifecycle by injecting distage.Lifecycle, cats.effect.Resource, scoped zio.ZIO, zio.ZLayer or zio.managed.ZManaged values specifying the allocation and finalization actions of an object.

When ran, distage Injector itself returns a Lifecycle value that describes actions to create and finalize the object graph; the Lifecycle value is pure and can be reused multiple times.

A Lifecycle is executed using its .use method, the function passed to use will receive an allocated resource and when the function exits the resource will be deallocated. Lifecycle is generally not invalidated after .use and may be executed multiple times.

Example with cats.effect.Resource:

import distage.{Roots, ModuleDef, Injector}
import cats.effect.{Resource, IO}

class DBConnection
class MessageQueueConnection

val dbResource = Resource.make(
  acquire = IO {
    println("Connecting to DB!")
    new DBConnection
})(release = _ => IO(println("Disconnecting DB")))
// dbResource: Resource[IO, DBConnection] = Allocate(cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b39afa8@4aa43c4e)

val mqResource = Resource.make(
  acquire = IO {
   println("Connecting to Message Queue!")
   new MessageQueueConnection
})(release = _ => IO(println("Disconnecting Message Queue")))
// mqResource: Resource[IO, MessageQueueConnection] = Allocate(cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b39afa8@1f8c9b2f)

class MyApp(
  db: DBConnection,
  mq: MessageQueueConnection,
) {
  val run = {
    IO(println("Hello World!"))

def module = new ModuleDef {

Will produce the following output:

import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global

val objectGraphResource = {
    .produce(module, Roots.target[MyApp])
// objectGraphResource: izumi.distage.model.definition.package.Lifecycle[IO, izumi.distage.model.Locator] = izumi.functional.lifecycle.LifecycleMethodImpls$$anon$2@6de06c9d

// Connecting to DB!
// Connecting to Message Queue!
// Hello World!
// Disconnecting Message Queue
// Disconnecting DB

Lifecycle management with Lifecycle is also available without an effect type, via Lifecycle.Simple and Lifecycle.Mutable:

import distage.{Lifecycle, ModuleDef, Injector}

class Init {
  var initialized = false

class InitResource extends Lifecycle.Simple[Init] {
  override def acquire = {
    val init = new Init
    init.initialized = true
  override def release(init: Init) = {
    init.initialized = false

def module = new ModuleDef {

val closedInit = Injector()
  .use {
    init =>
// true
// closedInit: distage.package.Identity[Init] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp21$Init@4e77dd37

// false

Lifecycle forms a monad and has the expected .map, .flatMap, .evalMap, .mapK methods.

You can convert between a Lifecycle and cats.effect.Resource via Lifecycle#toCats/Lifecycle.fromCats methods, and between a Lifecycle and scoped zio.ZIO/zio.managed.ZManaged/zio.ZLayer via Lifecycle#toZIO/Lifecycle.fromZIO methods.

Inheritance helpers

The following helpers allow defining Lifecycle subclasses using expression-like syntax:

The main reason to employ them is to work around a limitation in Scala 2’s eta-expansion — when converting a method to a function value, Scala always tries to fulfill implicit parameters eagerly instead of making them parameters of the function value, this limitation makes it harder to inject implicits using distage.

However, when using distage’s type-based syntax: make[A].fromResource[A.Resource[F]] — this limitation does not apply and implicits inject successfully.

So to work around this limitation you can convert an expression based resource constructor:

import distage.{Lifecycle, ModuleDef}
import cats.Monad

class A(val n: Int)

object A {

  def resource[F[_]: Monad]: Lifecycle[F, A] =
    Lifecycle.pure[F](new A(1))


def module = new ModuleDef {
  // Bad: summons Monad[cats.effect.IO] immediately, instead of getting it from the object graph

Into a class-based form:

import distage.{Lifecycle, ModuleDef}
import cats.Monad

class A(val n: Int)

object A {

  final class Resource[F[_]: Monad]
    extends Lifecycle.Of[F, A](
      Lifecycle.pure[F](new A(1))


def module = new ModuleDef {
  // Good: implicit Monad[cats.effect.IO] parameter is wired from the object graph, same as the non-implicit parameters

And inject successfully using make[A].fromResource[A.Resource[F]] syntax of ModuleDefDSL.

The following helpers ease defining Lifecycle subclasses using traditional inheritance where acquire/release parts are defined as methods:

Out-of-the-box typeclass instances

Typeclass instances for popular typeclass hierarchies are included by default for the effect type in which distage is running.

Whenever your effect type implements BIO or cats-effect typeclasses, their instances will be summonable without adding them into modules. This applies for ZIO, cats.effect.IO, monix, monix-bio and any other effect type with relevant typeclass instances in implicit scope.

  • For ZIO, monix-bio and any other implementors of BIO typeclasses, BIO hierarchy instances will be included.
  • For ZIO, cats-effect instances will be included only if ZIO interop-cats library is on the classpath.

Example usage:

import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import distage.{Activation, DefaultModule, Injector, Module, TagK}
import izumi.functional.quasi.QuasiIO

def polymorphicHelloWorld[F[_]: TagK: QuasiIO: DefaultModule]: F[Unit] = {
    Module.empty, // we do not define _any_ components
  ) {
      (F: Sync[F]) => // cats.effect.Sync[F] is available anyway
        F.delay(println("Hello world!"))

val catsEffectHello = polymorphicHelloWorld[cats.effect.IO]
// catsEffectHello: IO[Unit] = IO(...)

//val monixHello = polymorphicHelloWorld[monix.eval.Task]

val zioHello = polymorphicHelloWorld[zio.IO[Throwable, _]]
// zioHello: zio.ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = DynamicNoBox(izumi.functional.quasi.QuasiPrimitivesFromBIO.bracket(QuasiIO.scala:339),1,zio.ZIO$Release$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b2c5c60@f077405)

//val monixBioHello = polymorphicHelloWorld[monix.bio.IO[Throwable, _]]

See `DefaultModule` implicit for implementation details. For details on what exact components are available for each effect type, see ZIOSupportModule, CatsIOSupportModule, MonixSupportModule, MonixBIOSupportModule, ZIOCatsEffectInstancesModule, respectively.

DefaultModule occurs as an implicit parameter in distage entrypoints that require an effect type parameter, namely: Injector[F]() in distage-core, extends RoleAppMain[F] and extends PlanCheck.Main[F] in distage-framework and extends Spec1[F] in distage-testkit.

Set Bindings

Set bindings are useful for implementing listeners, plugins, hooks, http routes, healthchecks, migrations, etc. Everywhere where a collection of components is required, a Set Binding is appropriate.

To define a Set binding use .many and .add methods of the ModuleDef DSL.

As an example, we may declare multiple command handlers and use them to interpret user input in a REPL

import distage.ModuleDef

final case class CommandHandler(
  handle: PartialFunction[String, String]

val additionHandler = CommandHandler {
  case s"$x + $y" => s"${x.toInt + y.toInt}"
// additionHandler: CommandHandler = CommandHandler(<function1>)

object AdditionModule extends ModuleDef {

We’ve used many method to declare an open Set of command handlers and then added one handler to it.

When module definitions are combined, elements for the same type of Set will be merged together into a larger set.

You can summon a Set binding by summoning a scala Set, as in Set[CommandHandler].

Let’s define a new module with another handler:

val subtractionHandler = CommandHandler {
  case s"$x - $y" => s"${x.toInt - y.toInt}"
// subtractionHandler: CommandHandler = CommandHandler(<function1>)

object SubtractionModule extends ModuleDef {

Let’s create a command-line application using our command handlers:

import distage.Injector

trait App {
  def interpret(input: String): String
object App {
  final class Impl(
    handlers: Set[CommandHandler]
  ) extends App {
    override def interpret(input: String): String = {
      handlers.map(_.handle).reduce(_ orElse _).lift(input) match {
        case Some(answer) => s"ANSWER: $answer"
        case None         => "?"

object AppModule extends ModuleDef {
  // include all the previous module definitions

  // add a help handler
  many[CommandHandler].add(CommandHandler {
    case "help" => "Please input an arithmetic expression!"

  // bind App

// wire the graph and get the app

val app = Injector().produceGet[App](AppModule).unsafeGet()
// app: App = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp26$App$Impl@4c671fcc

// check how it works

app.interpret("1 + 5")
// res27: String = "ANSWER: 6"

app.interpret("7 - 11")
// res28: String = "ANSWER: -4"

app.interpret("1 / 3")
// res29: String = "?"

// res30: String = "ANSWER: Please input an arithmetic expression!"

If we rewire the app without SubtractionModule, it will expectedly lose the ability to subtract:

Injector().produceRun(AppModule -- SubtractionModule.keys) {
  (app: App) =>
    app.interpret("10 - 1")
// res31: String = "?"

Further reading:

Mutator Bindings

Mutations can be attached to any component using modify[X] keyword.

If present, they will be applied in an undefined order after the component has been created, but before it is visible to any other component.

Mutators provide a way to do partial overrides or slight modifications of some existing component without redefining it fully.


import distage.{Id, Injector, ModuleDef}

def startingModule = new ModuleDef {
  make[Int].fromValue(1) // 1

def increment2 = new ModuleDef {
  modify[Int](_ + 1) // 2
  modify[Int](_ + 1) // 3

def incrementWithDep = new ModuleDef {

  // mutators may use other components and add additional dependencies
  modify[Int].by(_.flatAp {
    (s: String, few: Int @Id("a-few")) => (currentInt: Int) =>
      s.length + few + currentInt
  }) // 5 + 2 + 3

  startingModule ++
  increment2 ++
)((currentInt: Int) => currentInt): Int
// res33: Int = 10

Another example: Suppose you’re using a config case class in your distage-testkit tests, and for one of the test you want to use a modified value for one of the fields in it. Before 1.0 you’d have to duplicate the config binding into a new key and apply the modifying function to it:

import distage.{Id, ModuleDef}
import distage.config.ConfigModuleDef
import izumi.distage.testkit.TestConfig
import izumi.distage.testkit.scalatest.SpecIdentity

class MyTest extends SpecIdentity {
  override def config: TestConfig = super.config.copy(
    moduleOverrides = new ConfigModuleDef {
      make[Config].from {
        (thatConfig: Config @Id("duplicate")) =>

Now instead of overriding the entire binding, we may use a mutator:

class MyTest extends SpecIdentity {
  override def config: TestConfig = super.config.copy(
    moduleOverrides = new ModuleDef {

Mutators are subject to configuration using Activation Axis and will be applied conditionally, if tagged:

import distage.{Activation, Injector, Mode}

def axisIncrement = new ModuleDef {
  modify[Int](_ + 10).tagged(Mode.Test)
  modify[Int](_ + 1).tagged(Mode.Prod)

Injector().produceRun(axisIncrement, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Test))((currentInt: Int) => currentInt): Int
// res35: Int = 11

Injector().produceRun(axisIncrement, Activation(Mode -> Mode.Prod))((currentInt: Int) => currentInt): Int
// res36: Int = 2

Effect Bindings

Sometimes we want to effectfully create a component, but the resulting component or data does not need to be deallocated. An example might be a global Semaphore to limit the parallelism of the entire application based on configuration, or a test implementation of some service made with Refs.

In these cases we can use .fromEffect to create a value using an effectful constructor.

Example with a Ref-based Tagless Final KVStore:

import distage.{Injector, ModuleDef}
import izumi.functional.bio.{Error2, Primitives2, F}
import zio.{Task, IO}

trait KVStore[F[_, _]] {
  def get(key: String): F[NoSuchElementException, String]
  def put(key: String, value: String): F[Nothing, Unit]

def dummyKVStore[F[+_, +_]: Error2: Primitives2]: F[Nothing, KVStore[F]] = {
  for {
    ref <- F.mkRef(Map.empty[String, String])
  } yield new KVStore[F] {
    def put(key: String, value: String): F[Nothing, Unit] = {
      ref.update_(_ + (key -> value))

    def get(key: String): F[NoSuchElementException, String] = {
      for {
        map <- ref.get
        res <- map.get(key) match {
          case Some(value) => F.pure(value)
          case None        => F.fail(new NoSuchElementException(key))
      } yield res

def kvStoreModule = new ModuleDef {

val io = Injector[Task]()
  .produceRun[String](kvStoreModule) {
    (kv: KVStore[IO]) =>
      for {
        _    <- kv.put("apple", "pie")
        res1 <- kv.get("apple")
        _    <- kv.put("apple", "ipad")
        res2 <- kv.get("apple")
      } yield res1 + res2
// io: Task[String] = DynamicNoBox(izumi.functional.quasi.QuasiPrimitivesFromBIO.bracket(QuasiIO.scala:339),1,zio.ZIO$Release$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b2c5c60@789efe43)

import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2

val runtime = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runtime: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@1646dc1c

// res38: String = pieipad

You must specify your effect type when constructing an Injector, as in Injector[F](), to use effect bindings in the chosen F[_] type.

You may want to use Lifecycle.LiftF to convert effect methods with implicit parameters into a class-based form to ensure that implicit parameters are wired from the object graph, not from the surrounding implicit scope. (See Inheritance Helpers)

ZIO Environment bindings

You can inject into ZIO Environment using make[_].fromZEnv syntax for ZLayer, ZManaged, ZIO or any F[_, _, _]: Local3:

import zio._
import zio.managed._
import distage.ModuleDef

class Dependency

class X(dependency: Dependency)

def makeX: ZIO[Dependency, Throwable, X] = {
  for {
    dep <- ZIO.service[Dependency]
    _   <- Console.printLine(s"Obtained environment dependency = $dep")
  } yield new X(dep)

def makeXManaged: ZManaged[Dependency, Throwable, X] = makeX.toManaged

def makeXLayer: ZLayer[Dependency, Throwable, X] = ZLayer.fromZIO(makeX)

def module1 = new ModuleDef {

  // or
  // or

You can also mix environment and parameter dependencies at the same time in one constructor:

def zioArgEnvCtor(
  dependency: Dependency
): RLayer[Console, X] = {
  ZLayer.succeed(dependency) ++
  ZLayer.environment[Console] >>>

def module2 = new ModuleDef {

  make[X].fromZLayerEnv(zioArgEnvCtor _)

zio.ZEnvironment values are derived at compile-time by ZEnvConstructor macro and can be summoned at need.

Another example:

import distage.{Injector, ModuleDef}
import zio.{Console, UIO, URIO, RIO, ZIO, Ref, Task}

trait Hello {
  def hello: UIO[String]
trait World {
  def world: UIO[String]

// Environment forwarders that allow
// using service functions from everywhere

val hello: URIO[Hello, String] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.hello)
// hello: URIO[Hello, String] = Stateful(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.hello(basics.md:916),zio.FiberRef$unsafe$$anon$2$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b30e2d0@51826ef8)

val world: URIO[World, String] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.world)
// world: URIO[World, String] = Stateful(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.world(basics.md:919),zio.FiberRef$unsafe$$anon$2$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b30e2d0@6ba8d8fc)

// service implementations

val makeHello = {
  for {
    _     <- ZIO.acquireRelease(
      acquire = Console.printLine("Creating Enterprise Hellower...")
    )(release = _ => Console.printLine("Shutting down Enterprise Hellower").orDie)
  } yield new Hello {
    val hello = ZIO.succeed("Hello")
// makeHello: ZIO[Any with Any with zio.Scope, java.io.IOException, AnyRef with Hello{val hello: zio.ZIO[Any,Nothing,String]}] = FlatMap(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.makeHello(basics.md:924),DynamicNoBox(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.makeHello(basics.md:926),1,zio.ZIO$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b3ef330@2c4d8bf9),zio.ZIO$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b33ba28@656f3db7)

val makeWorld = {
  for {
    counter <- Ref.make(0)
  } yield new World {
    val world = counter.get.map(c => if (c < 1) "World" else "THE World")
// makeWorld: ZIO[Any, Nothing, AnyRef with World{val world: zio.ZIO[Any,Nothing,String]}] = FlatMap(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.makeWorld(basics.md:935),Sync(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.makeWorld(basics.md:935),zio.Ref$$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b3ec560@7ba953bd),zio.ZIO$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b33ba28@67b75bfa)

// the main function

val turboFunctionalHelloWorld: RIO[Hello with World, Unit] = {
  for {
    hello <- hello
    world <- world
    _     <- Console.print(s"$hello $world")
  } yield ()
// turboFunctionalHelloWorld: RIO[Hello with World, Unit] = FlatMap(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.turboFunctionalHelloWorld(basics.md:944),Stateful(repl.MdocSession.MdocApp39.hello(basics.md:916),zio.FiberRef$unsafe$$anon$2$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b30e2d0@51826ef8),<function1>)

def module = new ModuleDef {

val main = Injector[Task]()
  .produceRun[Unit](module)((_: Unit) => ZIO.unit)
// main: Task[Unit] = DynamicNoBox(izumi.functional.quasi.QuasiPrimitivesFromBIO.bracket(QuasiIO.scala:339),1,zio.ZIO$Release$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b2c5c60@7a35a2ec)

import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2

val runtime = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runtime: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@b009d66

// Creating Enterprise Hellower...
// Hello WorldShutting down Enterprise Hellower

Converting ZIO environment dependencies to parameters

Any ZIO Service that requires an environment can be turned into a service without an environment dependency by providing the dependency in each method using .provide.

This pattern can be generalized by implementing an instance of cats.Contravariant (or cats.tagless.FunctorK) for your services and using it to turn environment dependencies into constructor parameters.

In that way ZIO Environment can be used uniformly for declaration of dependencies, but the dependencies used inside the service do not leak to other services calling it. See: https://gitter.im/ZIO/Core?at=5dbb06a86570b076740f6db2


import distage.{Injector, ModuleDef, Functoid, Tag, TagK, ZEnvConstructor}
import zio.{URIO, ZIO, ZEnvironment}

trait Dependee[-R] {
  def x(y: String): URIO[R, Int]
trait Depender[-R] {
  def y: URIO[R, String]

trait ContravariantService[M[_]] {
  def contramapZEnv[A, B](s: M[A])(f: ZEnvironment[B] => ZEnvironment[A]): M[B]

implicit val contra1: ContravariantService[Dependee] = new ContravariantService[Dependee] {
  def contramapZEnv[A, B](fa: Dependee[A])(f: ZEnvironment[B] => ZEnvironment[A]): Dependee[B] = new Dependee[B] { def x(y: String) = fa.x(y).provideSomeEnvironment(f) }
// contra1: ContravariantService[Dependee] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp41$$anon$28@64137a58
implicit val contra2: ContravariantService[Depender] = new ContravariantService[Depender] {
  def contramapZEnv[A, B](fa: Depender[A])(f: ZEnvironment[B] => ZEnvironment[A]): Depender[B] = new Depender[B] { def y = fa.y.provideSomeEnvironment(f) }
// contra2: ContravariantService[Depender] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp41$$anon$30@90d48b

type DependeeR = Dependee[Any]
type DependerR = Depender[Any]
object dependee extends Dependee[DependeeR] {
  def x(y: String) = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.x(y))
object depender extends Depender[DependerR] {
  def y = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.y)

// cycle
object dependerImpl extends Depender[DependeeR] {
  def y: URIO[DependeeR, String] = dependee.x("hello").map(_.toString)
object dependeeImpl extends Dependee[DependerR] {
  def x(y: String): URIO[DependerR, Int] = {
    if (y == "hello") ZIO.succeed(5)
    else depender.y.map(y.length + _.length)

/** Fulfill the environment dependencies of a service from the object graph */
def fullfill[R: Tag: ZEnvConstructor, M[_]: TagK: ContravariantService](service: M[R]): Functoid[M[Any]] = {
    .map(zenv => implicitly[ContravariantService[M]].contramapZEnv(service)(_ => zenv))

def module = new ModuleDef {

import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2

val runtime = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runtime: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@3f2a1398

runtime.unsafeRun {
    .produceRun(module) {
      ZEnvConstructor[DependeeR].map {
        (for {
          r <- dependee.x("zxc")
          _ <- ZIO.attempt(println(s"result: $r"))
        } yield ()).provideEnvironment(_)
// result: 4


distage can instantiate traits and structural types.

Use makeTrait[X] or make[X].fromTrait[Y] to wire traits, abstract classes or a structural types.

All unimplemented fields in a trait, or a refinement are filled in from the object graph. Trait implementations are derived at compile-time by TraitConstructor macro and can be summoned at need.


import distage.{ModuleDef, Id, Injector}

trait Trait1 {
  def a: Int @Id("a")
trait Trait2 {
  def b: Int @Id("b")

/** All methods in this trait are implemented,
  * so a constructor for it will be generated
  * even though it's not a class */
trait Pluser {
  def plus(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

trait PlusedInt {
  def result(): Int
object PlusedInt {

    * Besides the dependency on `Pluser`,
    * this class defines 2 more dependencies
    * to be injected from the object graph:
    * `def a: Int @Id("a")` and
    * `def b: Int @Id("b")`
    * When an abstract type is declared as an implementation,
    * its no-argument abstract defs & vals are considered as
    * dependency parameters by TraitConstructor. (empty-parens and
    * parameterized methods are not considered parameters)
    * Here, using an abstract class directly as an implementation
    * lets us avoid writing a lengthier constructor, like this one:
    * {{{
    *   final class Impl(
    *     pluser: Pluser,
    *     override val a: Int @Id("a"),
    *     override val b: Int @Id("b"),
    *   ) extends PlusedInt with Trait1 with Trait2
    * }}}
  abstract class Impl(
    pluser: Pluser
  ) extends PlusedInt
    with Trait1
    with Trait2 {
    override def result(): Int = {
      pluser.plus(a, b)


def module = new ModuleDef {

Injector().produceRun(module) {
  (plusedInt: PlusedInt) =>
// res44: distage.package.Identity[Int] = 3

@impl annotation

Abstract classes or traits without obvious concrete subclasses may hinder the readability of a codebase, to mitigate that you may use an optional @impl documenting annotation to aid the reader in understanding your intention.

import distage.impl

@impl abstract class Impl(
  pluser: Pluser
) extends PlusedInt with Trait1 with Trait2 {
  override def result(): Int = {
    pluser.plus(a, b)

Avoiding constructors even further

When overriding behavior of a class, you may avoid writing a repeat of its constructor in your subclass by inheriting a trait from it instead. Example:

  * Note how we avoid writing a call to the super-constructor
  * of `PlusedInt.Impl`, such as:
  * {{{
  *   abstract class OverridenPlusedIntImpl(
  *     pluser: Pluser
  *   ) extends PlusedInt.Impl(pluser)
  * }}}
  * Which would be unavoidable with class-to-class inheritance.
  * Using trait-to-class inheritance we avoid writing any boilerplate
  * besides the overrides we want to apply to the class.
@impl trait OverridenPlusedIntImpl extends PlusedInt.Impl {
 override def result(): Int = {
   super.result() * 10

Injector().produceRun(module overriddenBy new ModuleDef {
}) {
  (plusedInt: PlusedInt) =>
// res45: distage.package.Identity[Int] = 30


distage can derive ‘factory’ implementations from suitable traits using makeFactory method. This feature is especially useful with Akka. All unimplemented methods with parameters in a trait will be filled by factory methods:

Given a class ActorFactory:

import distage.ModuleDef
import java.util.UUID

class SessionStorage

class UserActor(sessionId: UUID, sessionStorage: SessionStorage)

trait ActorFactory {
  // UserActor will be created as follows:
  //   sessionId argument is provided by the user
  //   sessionStorage argument is wired from the object graph
  def createActor(sessionId: UUID): UserActor

And a binding of ActorFactory without an implementation.

class ActorModule extends ModuleDef {

distage will derive and bind the following implementation for ActorFactory:

class ActorFactoryImpl(sessionStorage: SessionStorage) extends ActorFactory {
  override def createActor(sessionId: UUID): UserActor = {
    new UserActor(sessionId, sessionStorage)

Note that ordinary function types conform to distage’s definition of a ‘factory’, since they are just traits with an unimplemented method. Sometimes declaring a separate named factory trait isn’t worth it, in these cases you can use makeFactory to generate ordinary function types:

object UserActor {
  type Factory = UUID => UserActor

class ActorFunctionModule extends ModuleDef {

You can use this feature to concisely provide non-Singleton semantics for some of your components.

Factory implementations are derived at compile-time by FactoryConstructor macro and can be summoned at need.

Since distage version 1.1.0 you have to bind factories explicitly using makeFactory and fromFactory methods, not implicitly via make; parameterless methods in factories now produce new instances instead of summoning a dependency.

@With annotation

@With annotation can be used to specify the implementation class, to avoid leaking the implementation type in factory method result:

import distage.{Injector, ModuleDef, With}

trait Actor {
  def receive(msg: Any): Unit

object Actor {
  trait Factory {
    def newActor(id: String): Actor @With[Actor.Impl]

  final class Impl(id: String, config: Actor.Configuration) extends Actor {
    def receive(msg: Any): Unit = {
      val response = s"Actor `$id` received a message: $msg"
      println(if (config.allCaps) response.toUpperCase else response)

  final case class Configuration(allCaps: Boolean)

def factoryModule = new ModuleDef {
  make[Actor.Configuration].from(Actor.Configuration(allCaps = false))

  .use(_.newActor("Martin Odersky").receive("ping"))
// Actor `Martin Odersky` received a message: ping
// res48: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()


Sometimes multiple components depend on the same piece of data that appears locally, after all the components were already wired. This data may need to be passed around repeatedly, possibly across the entire application. To do this, we may have to add an argument to most methods of an application, or have to use a Reader monad everywhere.

For example, we could be adding distributed tracing to our application - after getting a RequestId from a request, we may need to carry it everywhere to add it to logs and metrics.

Ideally, instead of adding the same argument to our methods, we’d want to just move that argument data out to the class constructor - passing the argument just once during the construction of a class. However, we’d lose the ability to automatically wire our objects, since we can only get a RequestId from a request, it’s not available when we initially wire our object graph.

Since 1.2.0 this problem is addressed in distage using Subcontexts - using them we can define a wireable sub-graph of our components that depend on local data unavailable during wiring, but that we can then finish wiring once we pass them the data.

Starting with a graph that has no local dependencies:

import izumi.functional.bio.IO2
import distage.{ModuleDef, Subcontext, TagKK}

class PetStoreBusinessLogic[F[+_, +_]] {
  // requestId is a method parameter
  def buyPetLogic(requestId: RequestId, petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[Throwable, Pet] = ???

def module1[F[+_, +_]: TagKK] = new ModuleDef {


class PetStoreAPIHandler[F[+_, +_]: IO2](
  petStoreBusinessLogic: PetStoreBusinessLogic[F]
) {
  def buyPet(petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[Throwable, Pet] = {
    petStoreBusinessLogic.buyPetLogic(RequestId(), petId, payment)

We use makeSubcontext to delineate a portion of the graph that requires a RequestId to be wired:

class PetStoreBusinessLogic[F[+_, +_]](
  // requestId is a now a class parameter
  requestId: RequestId
) {
  def buyPetLogic(petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[Throwable, Pet] = ???

def module2[F[+_, +_] : TagKK] = new ModuleDef {

    .withSubmodule(new ModuleDef {

class PetStoreAPIHandler[F[+_, +_]: IO2: TagKK](
  petStoreBusinessLogic: Subcontext[PetStoreBusinessLogic[F]]
) {
  def buyPet(petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[Throwable, Pet] = {
    // we have to pass the parameter and create the component now, since it's not already wired.
      .produceRun {
        _.buyPetLogic(petId, payment)

We managed to move RequestId from a method parameter that polluted every method signature, to a class parameter, that we pass to the subgraph just once - when the RequestId is generated.

Full example:

import distage.{Injector, Lifecycle, ModuleDef, Subcontext, TagKK}
import izumi.functional.bio.{Error2, F, IO2, Monad2, Primitives2}
import izumi.functional.bio.data.Morphism1
import logstage.{IzLogger, LogIO2}
import izumi.logstage.distage.LogIO2Module

import java.util.UUID

final case class PetId(petId: UUID)
final case class RequestId(requestId: UUID)

sealed trait TransactionFailure
object TransactionFailure {
  case object NoSuchPet extends TransactionFailure
  case object InsufficientFunds extends TransactionFailure

final case class Pet(name: String, species: String, price: Int)

final class PetStoreAPIHandler[F[+_, +_]: IO2: TagKK](
  petStoreBusinessLogic: Subcontext[PetStoreBusinessLogic[F]]
) {
  def buyPet(petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[TransactionFailure, Pet] = {
    for {
      requestId <- F.sync(RequestId(UUID.randomUUID()))
      pet <- petStoreBusinessLogic
              .produce[F[Throwable, _]]()
              .mapK[F[Throwable, _], F[TransactionFailure, _]](Morphism1(_.orTerminate))
              .use {
                component =>
                  component.buyPetLogic(petId, payment)
    } yield pet

final class PetStoreBusinessLogic[F[+_, +_]: Error2](
  requestId: RequestId,
  petStoreReposistory: PetStoreReposistory[F],
  log: LogIO2[F],
) {
  private val contextLog = log.withCustomContext("requestId" -> requestId)

  def buyPetLogic(petId: PetId, payment: Int): F[TransactionFailure, Pet] = {
    for {
      pet <- petStoreReposistory.findPet(petId).fromOption(TransactionFailure.NoSuchPet)
      _   <- if (payment < pet.price) {
          contextLog.error(s"Insufficient $payment, couldn't afford ${pet.price}") *>
        } else {
          for {
            result <- petStoreReposistory.removePet(petId)
            _      <- F.when(!result)(F.fail(TransactionFailure.NoSuchPet))
            _      <- contextLog.info(s"Successfully bought $pet with $petId for $payment! ${payment - pet.price -> "overpaid"}")
          } yield ()
    } yield pet

trait PetStoreReposistory[F[+_, +_]] {
  def findPet(petId: PetId): F[Nothing, Option[Pet]]
  def removePet(petId: PetId): F[Nothing, Boolean]
object PetStoreReposistory {
  final class Impl[F[+_, +_]: Monad2: Primitives2](
    requestId: RequestId,
    log: LogIO2[F],
  ) extends Lifecycle.LiftF[F[Nothing, _], PetStoreReposistory[F]](for {
    state <- F.mkRef(Pets.builtinPetMap)
  } yield new PetStoreReposistory[F] {
    private val contextLog = log("requestId" -> requestId)

    override def findPet(petId: PetId): F[Nothing, Option[Pet]] = {
      for {
        _        <- contextLog.info(s"Looking up $petId")
        maybePet <- state.get.map(_.get(petId))
        _        <- contextLog.info(s"Got $maybePet")
      } yield maybePet

    override def removePet(petId: PetId): F[Nothing, Boolean] = {
      for {
        success <- state.modify(s => (s.contains(petId), s - petId))
        _       <- contextLog.info(s"Tried to remove $petId, $success")
      } yield success


object Pets {
  val arnoldId = PetId(UUID.randomUUID())
  val buckId   = PetId(UUID.randomUUID())
  val chipId   = PetId(UUID.randomUUID())
  val derryId  = PetId(UUID.randomUUID())
  val emmyId   = PetId(UUID.randomUUID())

  val builtinPetMap = Map[PetId, Pet](
    arnoldId -> Pet("Arnold", "Dog", 99),
    buckId   -> Pet("Buck", "Rabbit", 60),
    chipId   -> Pet("Chip", "Cat", 75),
    derryId  -> Pet("Derry", "Dog", 250),
    emmyId   -> Pet("Emmy", "Guinea Pig", 20)

object Module extends ModuleDef {

  def module[F[+_, +_]: TagKK] = new ModuleDef {


      .withSubmodule(new ModuleDef {

import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2

val runner = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runner: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@1f109b2c

val result = runner.unsafeRun {
    .produceRun(Module) {
      (p: PetStoreAPIHandler[zio.IO]) =>
        p.buyPet(Pets.arnoldId, 100).attempt
// I 2025-03-10T01:45:27.965 (basics.md:1493)  …PetStoreReposistory.findPet [616:Thread-197] requestId=RequestId(e85f3003-e454-49e4-ab15-5bb4faa491d9) Looking up pet_id=PetId(09fcb64e-0d15-45a6-a320-eaf94240e1d1)
// I 2025-03-10T01:45:27.974 (basics.md:1495)  …P.I.1.1.P.findPet.1493.1494 [616:Thread-197] requestId=RequestId(e85f3003-e454-49e4-ab15-5bb4faa491d9) Got maybe_pet=Some(Pet(Arnold,Dog,99))
// I 2025-03-10T01:45:27.980 (basics.md:1502)  …eReposistory.removePet.1501 [616:Thread-197] requestId=RequestId(e85f3003-e454-49e4-ab15-5bb4faa491d9) Tried to remove pet_id=PetId(09fcb64e-0d15-45a6-a320-eaf94240e1d1), success=true
// I 2025-03-10T01:45:27.984 (basics.md:1468)  r.M.M.P.b.1460.1466.1467 [616:Thread-197] requestId=RequestId(e85f3003-e454-49e4-ab15-5bb4faa491d9) Successfully bought pet=Pet(Arnold,Dog,99) with pet_id=PetId(09fcb64e-0d15-45a6-a320-eaf94240e1d1) for payment=100! overpaid=1
// result: Either[TransactionFailure, Pet] = Right(
//   value = Pet(name = "Arnold", species = "Dog", price = 99)
// )

Using subcontexts is more efficient than nesting Injectors manually, since subcontexts are planned ahead of time - there’s no planning step for subcontexts, only execution step.

Note: When your subcontext’s submodule only contains one binding, you may be able to achieve the same result using an Auto-Factory instead.

Tagless Final Style

Tagless Final is one of the popular patterns for structuring purely-functional applications.

Brief introduction to tagless final:

Advantages of distage as a driver for TF compared to implicits:

For example, let’s take freestyle’s tagless example and make it better by replacing dependencies on global imported implementations with explicit modules.

First, the program we want to write:

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.{Sync, IO}
import cats.syntax.all._
import distage.{Roots, ModuleDef, Injector, Tag, TagK, TagKK}

trait Validation[F[_]] {
  def minSize(s: String, n: Int): F[Boolean]
  def hasNumber(s: String): F[Boolean]
object Validation {
  def apply[F[_]: Validation]: Validation[F] = implicitly

trait Interaction[F[_]] {
  def tell(msg: String): F[Unit]
  def ask(prompt: String): F[String]
object Interaction {
  def apply[F[_]: Interaction]: Interaction[F] = implicitly

class TaglessProgram[F[_]: Monad: Validation: Interaction] {
  def program: F[Unit] = for {
    userInput <- Interaction[F].ask("Give me something with at least 3 chars and a number on it")
    valid     <- (Validation[F].minSize(userInput, 3), Validation[F].hasNumber(userInput)).mapN(_ && _)
    _         <- if (valid) Interaction[F].tell("awesomesauce!")
                 else       Interaction[F].tell(s"$userInput is not valid")
  } yield ()

def ProgramModule[F[_]: TagK: Monad] = new ModuleDef {

TagK is distage’s analogue of TypeTag for higher-kinded types such as F[_], it allows preserving type-information at runtime for type parameters. You’ll need to add a TagK context bound to create a module parameterized by an abstract F[_]. To parameterize by non-higher-kinded types, use just Tag.

Now the interpreters for Validation and Interaction:

final class SyncValidation[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]) extends Validation[F] {
  def minSize(s: String, n: Int): F[Boolean] = F.delay(s.size >= n)
  def hasNumber(s: String): F[Boolean]       = F.delay(s.exists(c => "0123456789".contains(c)))

final class SyncInteraction[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]) extends Interaction[F] {
  def tell(s: String): F[Unit]  = F.delay(println(s))
  def ask(s: String): F[String] = F.delay("This could have been user input 1")

def SyncInterpreters[F[_]: TagK: Sync] = {
  new ModuleDef {

// combine all modules

def SyncProgram[F[_]: TagK: Sync] = ProgramModule[F] ++ SyncInterpreters[F]

// create object graph Lifecycle

val objectsLifecycle = Injector[IO]().produce(SyncProgram[IO], Roots.Everything)
// objectsLifecycle: izumi.distage.model.definition.package.Lifecycle[IO, izumi.distage.model.Locator] = izumi.functional.lifecycle.LifecycleMethodImpls$$anon$2@f828ff6

// run

import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global

// awesomesauce!

Effect-type polymorphism

The program module is polymorphic over effect type. It can be instantiated by a different effect:

import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.Task

val ZIOProgram = ProgramModule[Task] ++ SyncInterpreters[Task]
// ZIOProgram: izumi.distage.model.definition.Module = 
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp51.Validation[zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+_]]}].from(call(π:Constructor(cats.effect.kernel.Sync[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]]): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp51::SyncValidation[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]])) (BindingOrigin((basics.md:1633)))
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp51.Interaction[zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+_]]}].from(call(π:Constructor(cats.effect.kernel.Sync[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]]): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp51::SyncInteraction[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]])) (BindingOrigin((basics.md:1634)))
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp51.TaglessProgram[zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+_]]}].from(call(π:Constructor(cats.Monad[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]], repl.MdocSession::MdocApp51::Validation[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]], repl.MdocSession::MdocApp51::Interaction[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]]): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp51::TaglessProgram[=λ %0 → zio.ZIO[-scala.Any,+java.lang.Throwable,+0]])) (BindingOrigin((basics.md:1612)))

We may even choose different interpreters at runtime:

import zio.Console
import distage.Activation

object RealInteractionZIO extends Interaction[Task] {
  def tell(s: String): Task[Unit]  = Console.printLine(s)
  def ask(s: String): Task[String] = Console.printLine(s) *> Console.readLine

def RealInterpretersZIO = {
  SyncInterpreters[Task] overriddenBy new ModuleDef {

def chooseInterpreters(isDummy: Boolean) = {
  val interpreters = if (isDummy) SyncInterpreters[Task]
                     else         RealInterpretersZIO
  def module = ProgramModule[Task] ++ interpreters

    .produceGet[TaglessProgram[Task]](module, Activation.empty)

// execute

// res53: izumi.distage.model.definition.package.Lifecycle[Task, TaglessProgram[Task]] = izumi.functional.lifecycle.LifecycleMethodImpls$$anon$1@111a514

Kind polymorphism

Modules can be polymorphic over arbitrary kinds - use TagKK to abstract over bifunctors:

class BifunctorIOModule[F[_, _]: TagKK] extends ModuleDef

Or use Tag.auto.T to abstract over any kind:

class MonadTransformerModule[F[_[_], _]: Tag.auto.T] extends ModuleDef
class EldritchModule[F[+_, -_[_, _], _[_[_, _], _], _]: Tag.auto.T] extends ModuleDef

consult izumi.reflect.HKTag docs for more details.

Cats & ZIO Integration

Cats & ZIO instances and syntax are available automatically in distage-core, without wildcard imports, if your project depends on cats-core, cats-effect or zio. However, distage won’t bring in cats or zio as dependencies if you don’t already depend on them. (see No More Orphans blog post for details on how that works)

Cats Resource & ZIO ZManaged Bindings also work out of the box without any magic imports.

All relevant typeclass instances for chosen effect type, such as ConcurrentEffect[F], are included by default (overridable by user bindings)