class OfCats[F[_], A] extends Of[F, A]

Class-based proxy over a cats.effect.Resource value

class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfCats(Resource.pure(1000))

For binding resource values using class syntax in ModuleDef:

val module = new ModuleDef {
Linear Supertypes
Of[F, A], OfInner[F, A], Lifecycle[F, A], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. OfCats
  2. Of
  3. OfInner
  4. Lifecycle
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new OfCats(inner: => Resource[F, A])(implicit arg0: Sync[F])

Type Members

  1. final type InnerResource = Lifecycle.InnerResource
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def acquire: F[Lifecycle.InnerResource]

    The action in F used to acquire the resource.

    The action in F used to acquire the resource.

    Definition Classes

    the acquire action is performed *uninterruptibly*, when F is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.

  2. final def beforeAcquire[G[x] >: F[x]](f: => G[Unit])(implicit arg0: QuasiApplicative[G]): Lifecycle[G, A]
    Definition Classes
  3. final def beforeRelease[G[x] >: F[x]](f: (InnerResource) => G[Unit])(implicit arg0: QuasiApplicative[G]): Lifecycle[G, A]

    Prepend release action to existing

    Prepend release action to existing

    Definition Classes
  4. final def catchAll[G[x] >: F[x], B >: A](recover: (Throwable) => Lifecycle[G, B])(implicit arg0: QuasiIO[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  5. final def catchSome[G[x] >: F[x], B >: A](recover: PartialFunction[Throwable, Lifecycle[G, B]])(implicit arg0: QuasiIO[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  6. final def evalMap[G[x] >: F[x], B](f: (A) => G[B])(implicit arg0: QuasiPrimitives[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  7. final def evalTap[G[x] >: F[x]](f: (A) => G[Unit])(implicit arg0: QuasiPrimitives[G]): Lifecycle[G, A]
    Definition Classes
  8. final def extract[B >: A](resource: Lifecycle.InnerResource): Either[F[B], B]

    Either an action in F or a pure function used to extract the A from the InnerResource

    Either an action in F or a pure function used to extract the A from the InnerResource

    The effect in the Left branch will be performed *interruptibly*, it is not afforded the same kind of safety as acquire and release actions when F is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.

    When F is Identity, it doesn't matter whether the output is a Left or Right branch.

    When consuming the output of extract you can use _.fold(identity, F.pure) to convert the Either to F[B]

    Definition Classes
    See also

    Lifecycle.Basic extract doesn't have to be defined when inheriting from Lifecycle.Basic

  9. final def flatMap[G[x] >: F[x], B](f: (A) => Lifecycle[G, B])(implicit arg0: QuasiPrimitives[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  10. final def flatten[G[x] >: F[x], B](implicit arg0: QuasiPrimitives[G], ev: <:<[A, Lifecycle[G, B]]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  11. val lifecycle: Lifecycle[F, A]
    Definition Classes
  12. final def map[G[x] >: F[x], B](f: (A) => B)(implicit arg0: QuasiFunctor[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  13. final def redeem[G[x] >: F[x], B](onFailure: (Throwable) => Lifecycle[G, B], onSuccess: (A) => Lifecycle[G, B])(implicit arg0: QuasiIO[G]): Lifecycle[G, B]
    Definition Classes
  14. final def release(resource: Lifecycle.InnerResource): F[Unit]

    The action in F used to release, close or deallocate the resource after it has been acquired and used through izumi.distage.model.definition.Lifecycle.SyntaxUse#use.

    The action in F used to release, close or deallocate the resource after it has been acquired and used through izumi.distage.model.definition.Lifecycle.SyntaxUse#use.

    Definition Classes

    the release action is performed *uninterruptibly*, when F is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.

  15. final def void[G[x] >: F[x]](implicit arg0: QuasiFunctor[G]): Lifecycle[G, Unit]
    Definition Classes
  16. final def widen[B >: A]: Lifecycle[F, B]
    Definition Classes
  17. final def widenF[G[x] >: F[x]]: Lifecycle[G, A]
    Definition Classes
  18. final def wrapAcquire[G[x] >: F[x]](f: (=> G[InnerResource]) => G[InnerResource]): Lifecycle[G, A]

    Wrap acquire action of this resource in another effect, e.g.

    Wrap acquire action of this resource in another effect, e.g. for logging purposes

    Definition Classes
  19. final def wrapRelease[G[x] >: F[x]](f: ((InnerResource) => G[Unit], InnerResource) => G[Unit]): Lifecycle[G, A]

    Wrap release action of this resource in another effect, e.g.

    Wrap release action of this resource in another effect, e.g. for logging purposes

    Definition Classes