Many software suites have more than one entrypoint. For example Scalac provides a REPL and a Compiler. A typical distributed application may provide both server and client code, as well as a host of utility applications for maintenance.
In distage
such entrypoints are called “roles”. Role-based applications may contain roles of different types:
, for persistent services and daemons`RoleTask[F]`
, for one-off tasks and applications
To use roles, add distage-framework
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-framework" % "1.2.17-SNAPSHOT"
To declare roles use RoleModuleDef#makeRole
import distage.plugins.PluginDef
import izumi.distage.roles.model.definition.RoleModuleDef
import izumi.distage.roles.model.RoleDescriptor
import izumi.distage.roles.model.RoleTask
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.cli.model.raw.RawEntrypointParams
import logstage.LogIO
import zio.UIO
object AppPlugin extends PluginDef {
def roleModule = new RoleModuleDef {
class ExampleRoleTask(log: LogIO[UIO]) extends RoleTask[UIO] {
override def start(roleParameters: RawEntrypointParams, freeArgs: Vector[String]): UIO[Unit] = {
log.info(s"Running ${ExampleRoleTask.id}!")
object ExampleRoleTask extends RoleDescriptor {
override def id = "exampletask"
Create a Role Launcher, RoleAppMain
, with the example role:
import distage.plugins.PluginConfig
import izumi.distage.roles.RoleAppMain
import zio.IO
object ExampleLauncher extends RoleAppMain.LauncherBIO[IO] {
override def pluginConfig = {
// add the plugin with ExampleRoleTask
You can now specify roles to launch on the command-line:
./launcher :exampletask
I 2020-12-14T10:00:16.172 (RoleAppPlanner.scala:70) …oleAppPlanner.Impl.makePlan [ 944:run-main-1 ] phase=late Planning finished. main ops=7, integration ops=0, shared ops=0, runtime ops=17
I 2020-12-14T10:00:16.253 (RoleAppEntrypoint.scala:99) …AppEntrypoint.Impl.runTasks [ 944:run-main-1 ] phase=late Going to run: tasks=1
I 2020-12-14T10:00:16.259 (RoleAppEntrypoint.scala:104) …R.I.runTasks.101.loggedTask [ 944:run-main-1 ] phase=late Task is about to start: task=repl.MdocSession$App0$ExampleRoleTask@76b7592c
I 2020-12-14T10:00:16.263 (distage-framework.md:43) ….App0.ExampleRoleTask.start [ 944:run-main-1 ] Running id=exampletask!
I 2020-12-14T10:00:16.267 (RoleAppEntrypoint.scala:106) ….R.I.r.1.loggedTask.104.105 [ 944:run-main-1 ] phase=late Task finished: task=repl.MdocSession$App0$ExampleRoleTask@76b7592c
Only the components required by the specified roles will be created, everything else will be pruned. (see: Dependency Pruning)
Further reading:
- distage-example - Example web service using roles
- Roles: a viable alternative to Microservices and Monoliths
Inspecting components in REPL
Use .replLocator
method of a RoleAppMain
to obtain an object graph of the application inspectable in the REPL:
import izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2
val runner = UnsafeRun2.createZIO()
// runner: UnsafeRun2.ZIORunner[Any] = izumi.functional.bio.UnsafeRun2$ZIORunner@3e403f6b
val objects = runner.unsafeRun(ExampleLauncher.replLocator(":exampletask"))
// objects: izumi.distage.model.Locator = Locator izumi.distage.LocatorDefaultImpl@27701ec0 with 3 parent(s)
// with exposed keys:
// - {type.Async2[=λ %1:0,%1:1 → ZIO[-Any,+1:0,+1:1]]}
// - {type.IO2[=λ %0,%1 → ZIO[-Any,+0,+1]]}
// - {type.SyncSafe1[=λ %0 → ZIO[-Any,+Nothing,+0]]}
// - {type.LogIO[=λ %1 → ZIO[-Any,+Nothing,+1]]}
// - {type.MdocSession::MdocApp0::ExampleRoleTask}
// with confined keys: ø
// inspecting a component inside the application
val logger = objects.get[LogIO[UIO]]
// logger: LogIO[UIO] = logstage.LogIO$$anon$1@3a4228bf
Bundled roles
contains two bundled roles:
- prints help message when launched./launcher :help
- writes reference config into files, split by roles (includes only parts of the config used by the application). Also generates a JSON Schema description for config.
Use include
to add it to your application:
import distage.plugins.PluginDef
import izumi.distage.roles.bundled.BundledRolesModule
import zio.Task
object RolesPlugin extends PluginDef {
include(BundledRolesModule[Task](version = "1.0"))
Compile-time checks
To use compile-time checks, add distage-framework
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-framework" % "1.2.17-SNAPSHOT"
The easiest way to add full compile-time safety to your application is to add an object inheriting PlanCheck
in __ test scope__ of the same module where you define your Role Launcher
import izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck
import com.example.myapp.MainLauncher
object WiringCheck extends PlanCheck.Main(MainLauncher)
This object will emit compile-time errors for any issues or omissions in your ModuleDefs
. It will recompile itself as necessary to provide feedback during development.
By default, all possible roles and activations are checked efficiently.
You may exclude specific roles or activations from the check by passing a PlanCheckConfig
case class to PlanCheck API. Most options in PlanCheckConfig
can also be set using system properties, see DebugProperties
Checking default config
By default PlanCheck
will check parsing of config bindings (from distage-extension-config) using configs loaded with the same settings as the role launcher.
This allows you to ensure correctness of default configs during development without writing tests.
If you need to disable this check, set checkConfig
option of PlanCheckConfig
to false
Using with distage-teskit
Use SpecWiring
to spawn a test-suite that also triggers compile-time checks.
will check the passed application when compiled, then perform the check again at runtime when ran as a test.
import izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheckConfig
import izumi.distage.testkit.scalatest.SpecWiring
import com.example.myapp.MainLauncher
object WiringCheck extends SpecWiring(
app = MainLauncher,
cfg = PlanCheckConfig(checkConfig = false),
checkAgainAtRuntime = false, // disable the runtime re-check
Checking distage-core
’s Role-based applications are checkable out of the box, but applications assembled directly via distage-core
’s distage.Injector
APIs must implement the CheckableApp
trait to provide all the data necessary for the checks. You may use CoreCheckableAppSimple
implementation for applications definable by a single collection of modules.
Adding custom checks
You may add your own custom checks that will be executed at compile-time by overriding customCheck
method of CheckableApp
or its subtypes RoleAppMain
or CoreCheckableAppSimple
For example, you could check that all components that have types with names that contain “Required” – such as make[RequiredInt].from(RequiredInt(5))
– are used by other components and fail otherwise:
import distage.{DIKey, PlanVerifier}
import distage.PlanVerifier.PlanVerifierResult
import izumi.distage.framework.model.PlanCheckInput
import izumi.distage.model.planning.AxisPoint
import izumi.distage.plugins.PluginConfig
import izumi.distage.roles.RoleAppMain
import izumi.fundamentals.collections.nonempty.NESet
object CustomCheckLauncher extends RoleAppMain.LauncherCats[cats.effect.IO] {
// test that all bindings with types that have 'Required'
// in their name are used in the application
override def customCheck(
planVerifier: PlanVerifier,
excludedActivations: Set[NESet[AxisPoint]],
checkConfig: Boolean,
planCheckInput: PlanCheckInput[AppEffectType],
): PlanVerifierResult = {
val usedKeys = planVerifier.traceReachables(
val requiredKeys = planCheckInput.module.keys.filter {
// filter out any set elements (to remove weak set elements)
case _: DIKey.SetElementKey => false
case anyKey => anyKey.tpe.tag.shortName.contains("Required")
val unused = requiredKeys -- usedKeys
if (unused.nonEmpty) {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"""Custom check failed, found unused Required bindings:
| ${unused.map(_.tpe.tag.repr).mkString(", ")}""".stripMargin
} else {
override def pluginConfig = PluginConfig.cached(
packagesEnabled = Seq("com.example.custom")
Low-Level APIs
, ForcedRecompilationToken
and PlanCheck.runtime
provide the low-level APIs behind distage
compile-time checks, they can be used to wrap the capability in other APIs or implement similar functionality.
hosts the multi-graph traversal doing the actual checking and can be invoked at runtime or in macro. It can also be invoked using Injector#assert
and Injector#verify
Scala 2.12
If you’re using Scala 2.12
and get compilation errors such as
[error] type mismatch;
[error] found : String("mode:test")
[error] required: izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.literals.LiteralString{type T = String("mode:test")} with izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.literals.LiteralString
Then you’ll have to refactor your instance of PlanCheck.Main
(or similar) to make sure that PlanCheckConfig
is defined in a separate val
. You may do this by moving it from a constructor parameter to an early initializer.
object WiringTest extends PlanCheck.Main(
// [error]
object WiringTest extends {
val config = PlanCheckConfig(... )
} with PlanCheck.Main(MyApp, config)
Note that this issue does not exist on Scala 2.13+
, it is caused by a bug in Scala 2.12’s treatment of implicits in class parameter position.
Typesafe Config
library allows parsing case classes and sealed traits from typesafe-config
configuration files.
To use it, add the distage-extension-config
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-extension-config" % "1.2.17-SNAPSHOT"
Use helper functions in ConfigModuleDef
, makeConfig
and make[_].fromConfig
to parse the bound AppConfig
instance into case classes, sealed traits or literals:
import distage.{Id, Injector}
import distage.config.{AppConfig, ConfigModuleDef}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
final case class Conf(
name: String,
age: Int,
final case class OtherConf(
other: Boolean
final class ConfigPrinter(
conf: Conf,
otherConf: OtherConf @Id("other"),
) {
def print() = {
println(s"name: ${conf.name}, age: ${conf.age}, other: ${otherConf.other}")
val module = new ConfigModuleDef {
// declare paths to parse
// add config instance
"""conf {
| name = "John"
| age = 33
| other = true
// module: AnyRef with ConfigModuleDef =
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.ConfigPrinter}].from(call(π:Constructor(repl.MdocSession::MdocApp5::Conf, repl.MdocSession::MdocApp5::OtherConf): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp5::ConfigPrinter)) (BindingOrigin((distage-framework.md:253)))
// make[{type.izumi.distage.config.model.AppConfig}].from(call(ƒ:<function0>(): izumi.distage.config.model.AppConfig)) (BindingOrigin((distage-framework.md:260)))
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.Conf}].from(call(ƒ:izumi.distage.config.codec.AbstractDIConfigReader$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b790000@76bbdc23(izumi.distage.config.model.AppConfig): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp5::Conf)).tagged(Set(ConfTag(conf,izumi.distage.config.codec.AbstractDIConfigReader$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b790000@76bbdc23,Class repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.Conf with fields
// - name: TBasic(TString)
// - age: TBasic(TInt)))) (BindingOrigin((distage-framework.md:256)))
// make[{type.repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.OtherConf@other}].from(call(ƒ:izumi.distage.config.codec.AbstractDIConfigReader$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b790000@69116054(izumi.distage.config.model.AppConfig): repl.MdocSession::MdocApp5::OtherConf)).tagged(Set(ConfTag(conf,izumi.distage.config.codec.AbstractDIConfigReader$$Lambda/0x00007fff7b790000@69116054,Class repl.MdocSession.MdocApp5.OtherConf with fields
// - other: TBasic(TBoolean)))) (BindingOrigin((distage-framework.md:257)))
Injector().produceRun(module) {
(configPrinter: ConfigPrinter) =>
// name: John, age: 33, other: true
// res6: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()
Automatic derivation of config codecs is based on pureconfig-magnolia.
When a given type already has custom pureconfig.ConfigReader
instances in implicit scope, they will be used, otherwise they will be derived automatically.
You don’t have to explicitly make[AppConfig]
in distage-testkit’s tests and in distage-framework’s Roles, unless you want to override default behavior.
By default, tests and roles will try to read the configurations from resources with the following names, in order:
Where distage-testkit
uses `TestConfig#configBaseName`
instead of roleName
Explicit config files passed to the role launcher -c file.conf
the command-line flag have a higher priority than resource configs.
Role-specific configs on the command-line, passed via -c file.conf
option after a :roleName
argument, in turn have a higher priority than the explicit config files passed before the first :role
./launcher -c global.conf :role1 -c role1.conf :role2 -c role2.conf
Here configs will be loaded in the following order, with higher priority earlier and earlier configs overriding the values in later configs:
- explicits:
, - resources:
, ,application[-reference,-dev].conf
module adds classpath discovery for modules that inherit a marker trait PluginBase
Plugins reduce friction in adding new components, a programmer needs only to define new plugins and does not also have to stop to add a new plugin to a central wiring point. Plugins also enable extreme late-binding: they allow a program to extend itself at launch time with new Plugin
classes on the classpath.
Plugins are compatible with compile-time checks as long as they’re defined in a separate module.
To use plugins, add the distage-extension-plugins
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.7mind.izumi" %% "distage-extension-plugins" % "1.2.17-SNAPSHOT"
To declare a plugin, create a top-level object extending the PluginDef
trait instead of ModuleDef
package com.example.petstore
import distage.Injector
import distage.plugins.{PluginConfig, PluginDef, PluginLoader}
object PetStorePlugin extends PluginDef {
Use PluginLoader
to find all the PluginDef
objects in a specific package or its subpackages:
val pluginConfig = PluginConfig.cached(
// packages to scan
packagesEnabled = Seq("com.example.petstore")
// pluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig(List(com.example.petstore),List(),true,false,List(),List())
val appModules = PluginLoader().load(pluginConfig)
// appModules: izumi.distage.plugins.load.LoadedPlugins = LoadedPlugins(List(
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetRepository}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetRepository)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:6)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreController}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreController)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:8)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreService}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreService)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:7)))),List(),List())
You may then pass plugins to Injector
as ordinary modules:
// combine all plugins into one
val appModule = appModules.result.merge
// appModule: izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleBase =
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetRepository}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetRepository)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:6)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreService}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreService)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:7)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreController}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreController)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:8)))
// launch
// PetStoreController: running!
// res10: distage.package.Identity[Unit] = ()
Compile-time scanning
Plugin scan can be performed at compile-time, this is mainly useful for deployment on platforms with reduced runtime reflection capabilities compared to the JVM, such as Graal Native Image, Scala.js and Scala Native. Use PluginConfig.compileTime
to perform a compile-time scan.
Be warned though, for compile-time scanning to find plugins, they must be placed in a separate module from the one in which scan is performed. When placed in the same module, scanning will fail.
package com.example.petstore.another.module
val pluginConfig = PluginConfig.compileTime("com.example.petstore")
// pluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig(
// packagesEnabled = List(),
// packagesDisabled = List(),
// cachePackages = false,
// debug = false,
// merges = List(
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetRepository}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetRepository)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:6)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreController}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreController)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:8)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreService}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreService)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:7)))
// ),
// overrides = List()
// )
val loadedPlugins = PluginLoader().load(pluginConfig)
// loadedPlugins: izumi.distage.plugins.load.LoadedPlugins = LoadedPlugins(
// loaded = List(),
// merges = List(
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetRepository}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetRepository)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:6)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreController}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreController)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:8)))
// make[{type.com.example.petstore.PetStoreService}].from(call(π:Constructor(): com.example.petstore.PetStoreService)) (BindingOrigin((PetStorePlugin.scala:7)))
// ),
// overrides = List()
// )