
final case class TestConfig(pluginConfig: PluginConfig, bootstrapPluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig.empty, activation: distage.Activation = StandardAxis.testProdActivation, moduleOverrides: distage.Module = Module.empty, bootstrapOverrides: distage.BootstrapModule = BootstrapModule.empty, memoizationRoots: PriorAxisDIKeys = PriorAxisDIKeys.empty, forcedRoots: AxisDIKeys = AxisDIKeys.empty, parallelEnvs: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, parallelSuites: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, parallelTests: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, configBaseName: String, configOverrides: Option[distage.config.AppConfig] = None, bootstrapFactory: BootstrapFactory = BootstrapFactory.Impl, planningOptions: PlanningOptions = PlanningOptions(), logLevel: Level = Log.Level.Info, debugOutput: Boolean = false, activationStrategy: TestActivationStrategy = TestActivationStrategy.LoadConfig(ignoreUnknown = false, warnUnset = true), unusedValidAxisChoices: Set[AxisChoice] = Set.empty) extends Product with Serializable

General options:


Source of module definitions from which to build object graphs for each test. Changes to izumi.distage.plugins.PluginConfig that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests. Components specified in memoizationRoots will be memoized only for the tests in the same memoization environment.


Same as pluginConfig, but for izumi.distage.model.definition.BootstrapModule. Every distinct bootstrapPluginConfig will create a distinct memoization environment.


Chosen activation axes. Changes in izumi.distage.model.definition.Activation that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


Override loaded plugins with a given Module. As long as overriden bindings are not memoized, or dependencies of memoized components, using overrides will NOT create a new memoization environment. Changes to moduleOverrides that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


Same as moduleOverrides, but for BootstrapModule Every distinct bootstrapPluginConfig will create a distinct memoization environment. Parallelism options:


Specifies the components that will be created *once* and shared across all tests within the same memoization environment (i.e. with the same TestConfig) Every distinct set of memoizationRoots will create a distinct memoization environment


Specifies components that will be treated as if they are a dependency of every test within this memoization environment. Components designated as forced roots will not be garbage collected even if there are no components or tests that depend on them. When combined with memoizationRoots, a distage.Lifecycle binding can be used to implement a global start/stop action (beforeAll/afterAll) for all tests within this memoization environment. Changes to forcedRoots that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


ParallelLevel of distinct memoization environments run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential envs will run in sequence after the parallel ones.


ParallelLevel of test suites run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential suites will run in sequence after the parallel ones.


ParallelLevel of test cases run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential tests will run in sequence after the parallel ones. Other options, Tests with different other options will run in distinct memoization environments:


Search for config in HOCON resource files with names $configBaseName.conf, $configBaseName-reference.conf, $configBaseName-reference-dev.conf (see


Overriding definitions on top of main loaded config, default None


BootstrapFactory, controls config loading & initial modules


PlanningOptions, debug options for distage.Planner


Log level for the logstage.IzLogger used in testkit and provided to the tests (will be overriden by plugin / module bindings if exist)


Print testkit debug messages, including those helping diagnose memoization environment issues, default: false, also controlled by DebugProperties.`izumi.distage.testkit.debug` system property

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TestConfig
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new TestConfig(pluginConfig: PluginConfig, bootstrapPluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig.empty, activation: distage.Activation = StandardAxis.testProdActivation, moduleOverrides: distage.Module = Module.empty, bootstrapOverrides: distage.BootstrapModule = BootstrapModule.empty, memoizationRoots: PriorAxisDIKeys = PriorAxisDIKeys.empty, forcedRoots: AxisDIKeys = AxisDIKeys.empty, parallelEnvs: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, parallelSuites: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, parallelTests: ParallelLevel = ParallelLevel.Unlimited, configBaseName: String, configOverrides: Option[distage.config.AppConfig] = None, bootstrapFactory: BootstrapFactory = BootstrapFactory.Impl, planningOptions: PlanningOptions = PlanningOptions(), logLevel: Level = Log.Level.Info, debugOutput: Boolean = false, activationStrategy: TestActivationStrategy = TestActivationStrategy.LoadConfig(ignoreUnknown = false, warnUnset = true), unusedValidAxisChoices: Set[AxisChoice] = Set.empty)


    Source of module definitions from which to build object graphs for each test. Changes to izumi.distage.plugins.PluginConfig that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests. Components specified in memoizationRoots will be memoized only for the tests in the same memoization environment.


    Same as pluginConfig, but for izumi.distage.model.definition.BootstrapModule. Every distinct bootstrapPluginConfig will create a distinct memoization environment.


    Chosen activation axes. Changes in izumi.distage.model.definition.Activation that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


    Override loaded plugins with a given Module. As long as overriden bindings are not memoized, or dependencies of memoized components, using overrides will NOT create a new memoization environment. Changes to moduleOverrides that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


    Same as moduleOverrides, but for BootstrapModule Every distinct bootstrapPluginConfig will create a distinct memoization environment. Parallelism options:


    Specifies the components that will be created *once* and shared across all tests within the same memoization environment (i.e. with the same TestConfig) Every distinct set of memoizationRoots will create a distinct memoization environment


    Specifies components that will be treated as if they are a dependency of every test within this memoization environment. Components designated as forced roots will not be garbage collected even if there are no components or tests that depend on them. When combined with memoizationRoots, a distage.Lifecycle binding can be used to implement a global start/stop action (beforeAll/afterAll) for all tests within this memoization environment. Changes to forcedRoots that alter implementations of components in memoizationRoots OR their dependencies will cause the test to execute in a new memoization environment, check the initial log output in tests for information about the memoization environments in your tests.


    ParallelLevel of distinct memoization environments run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential envs will run in sequence after the parallel ones.


    ParallelLevel of test suites run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential suites will run in sequence after the parallel ones.


    ParallelLevel of test cases run, default: ParallelLevel.Unlimited. Sequential tests will run in sequence after the parallel ones. Other options, Tests with different other options will run in distinct memoization environments:


    Search for config in HOCON resource files with names $configBaseName.conf, $configBaseName-reference.conf, $configBaseName-reference-dev.conf (see


    Overriding definitions on top of main loaded config, default None


    BootstrapFactory, controls config loading & initial modules


    PlanningOptions, debug options for distage.Planner


    Log level for the logstage.IzLogger used in testkit and provided to the tests (will be overriden by plugin / module bindings if exist)


    Print testkit debug messages, including those helping diagnose memoization environment issues, default: false, also controlled by DebugProperties.`izumi.distage.testkit.debug` system property

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def activate(changeActivation: (distage.Activation) => distage.Activation): TestConfig
  5. val activation: distage.Activation
  6. val activationStrategy: TestActivationStrategy
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. val bootstrapFactory: BootstrapFactory
  9. val bootstrapOverrides: distage.BootstrapModule
  10. val bootstrapPluginConfig: PluginConfig
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  12. val configBaseName: String
  13. val configOverrides: Option[distage.config.AppConfig]
  14. val debugOutput: Boolean
  15. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  16. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. val forcedRoots: AxisDIKeys
  18. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  20. val logLevel: Level
  21. val memoizationRoots: PriorAxisDIKeys
  22. val moduleOverrides: distage.Module
  23. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  25. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. val parallelEnvs: ParallelLevel
  27. val parallelSuites: ParallelLevel
  28. val parallelTests: ParallelLevel
  29. val planningOptions: PlanningOptions
  30. val pluginConfig: PluginConfig
  31. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  32. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  33. val unusedValidAxisChoices: Set[AxisChoice]
  34. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  35. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  36. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
