object LogIO extends LowPriorityLogIOInstances

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LogIO
  2. LowPriorityLogIOInstances
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit final class LogIO2Syntax[F[+_, +_]] extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. def apply[F[_]](implicit l: LogIO[F]): l.type
  2. implicit def covarianceConversion[G[_], F[_]](log: LogIO[F])(implicit ev: <:<[F[AnyRef], G[AnyRef]]): LogIO[G]
  3. def fromLogger[F[_]](logger: AbstractLoggerF[F])(implicit arg0: SyncSafe1[F]): LogIO[F]
  4. def fromLogger[F[_]](logger: AbstractLogger)(implicit arg0: SyncSafe1[F]): LogIO[F]
  5. implicit def limitedCovariance2[F[+_, _], E](implicit log: LogIO2[F]): LogIO[[β$0$]F[E, β$0$]]

    Emulate covariance.

    Emulate covariance. We're forced to employ these because we can't make LogIO covariant, because covariant implicits are broken (see scalac bug)

    Safe because F appears only in a covariant position

    Definition Classes
    See also


  6. implicit def limitedCovariance3[F[-_, +_, _], R, E](implicit log: LogIO3[F]): LogIO[[γ$1$]F[R, E, γ$1$]]
    Definition Classes
  7. def log[F[_]](implicit l: LogIO[F]): l.type

    Lets you refer to an implicit logger's methods without naming a variable

    Lets you refer to an implicit logger's methods without naming a variable

    import logstage.LogIO.log
    def fn[F[_]: LogIO]: F[Unit] = {
      log.info(s"I'm logging with ${log}stage!")