
package providers

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Functoid[+A](get: Provider) extends Product with Serializable

    A function that receives its arguments from DI object graph, including named instances via izumi.distage.model.definition.Id annotation.

    A function that receives its arguments from DI object graph, including named instances via izumi.distage.model.definition.Id annotation.

    The following syntaxes are supported by extractor macro:

    Inline lambda:

    make[Unit].from {
      i: Int @Id("special") => ()

    Method reference:

    def constructor(@Id("special") i: Int): Unit = ()
    make[Unit].from(constructor _)

    Function value with an annotated signature:

    val constructor: (Int @Id("special"), String @Id("special")) => Unit = (_, _) => ()

    Using intermediate vals will lose annotations when converting a method into a function value, Prefer passing inline lambdas such as { x => y } or method references such as (method _) or (method(_)).:

    def constructorMethod(@Id("special") i: Int): Unit = ()
    val constructor = constructorMethod _
    make[Unit].from(constructor) // SURPRISE: Will summon regular Int, not a "special" Int from DI object graph
    make[Unit].from(constructorMethod _) // Will work correctly: summon "special" Int

    Prefer annotating parameter types, not parameters: class X(i: Int @Id("special")) { ... }

    final case class X(i: Int @Id("special"))
    make[X].from(X.apply _) // summons special Int

    Functoid forms an applicative functor via its izumi.distage.model.providers.Functoid.pure & izumi.distage.model.providers.Functoid#map2 methods


    javax.inject.Named annotation is also supported

    See also


    Functoid is based on the Magnet Pattern:

    Essentially Functoid is a function-like entity with additional properties, so it's funny name is reasonable enough:

  2. trait FunctoidMacroMethods extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Functoid extends FunctoidMacroMethods with FunctoidLifecycleAdapters with Serializable
